
Is this just a part of being a teen?

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I'm 16 almost 17 years old. Not too long after I started puberty, I started changing differently. I entered middle school and got bullied. I then developed social anxiety and I have poor self esteem. I always think someone is judging me or if I hear someone laughing while i'm walking by, I think they are laughing at me. Somedays my concentration is good. I think I have a chemical imbalance or something. I have had no friend for like 4 years now and I just sit around chatting with people online. I ended failing 6th grade and ended up dropping out of middle school in 7th and 8th grade half way through the year. They passed me though because of my age. This last fall, I dropped out of 9th grade because of my anxiety. I'm being crippled by my anxiety and I cant control it! This fall I think i'm going to go to nightschool and study to get my GED. But in the mean time I want to get a job. I was never like this before. It was like right when I started going through puberty and around when I was about 12-13 this started happening to me. I used to think I was retarded because everytime I went out in public, my stomach would have butterflies and I couldnt look at anyone. I felt so anxious that everyone will stare at me or judge me.

I believe I have a hormone imbalance. When I was 13 I used to get really irritble and ragey. I couldnt control it! I used to throw things and break stuff. One day I was doing homework and I was screaming and crying over nothing and throwing things because I was confused about it and didnt feel like doing it. My parents thought I had autism or something. But now that i'm older, I dont get pissed off like that and throw and break things. The anxiety is going away a little because I can go places with my parents. Before I Couldnt walk out of my house. I used to be fat and thats why people teased me. But last winter I bought a treadmill and ive lost about 25 pounds. Maybe it gave me some confidence.




  1. If i were you i would ask your soctor for a referal to a therapist or counciller,then you can get to the bottom of what is causing all these problems....i think its because of the bullying personally ....and then you can slowly move on, you dont want to go through life being scared or intimidated of normal things.: )

  2. thats what i went through more or less. only diff is that i didnt go to yahoo answers. i went to my older brother and he yelled "WELCOME TO THUNDERDOME B#$H" and punched me. good times.....

  3. You have grown up thinking that what someone says controls how you feel. This is not true.

    It is always the way we see things that make the way it is. You need to change the way you look at things.

    For example - If someone lost their job, they can think "it is the end of the world for me". Or they can look at it another way. They can think "what a wonderful opportunity I now have to find a better job, one that I love and more money".

    If someone doesn't "like you", you can think "woe is me, I'm very unpopular without any friends". Or you can think "thank you my friend for showing me that I need to love myself more, so that you can love me".

    If you want anything, you have to give it away first.

    If you want to be loved or liked by others, - you have to like or love others.

    If you want friends - you have to give friendship to others.

    if you want happiness - you have to give happiness to others.

    Do all the above and more for others, and then watch the friendships grow. As this grows, your self confidence will grow, as you see just how clever and nice you are.

    Once you can see you are a really nice person, others will see that you are also.

    The power is in your hands.


  4. ive been on medication for depression, and i can say for sure that feeling irritable and anxiety is caused by a chemical imbalance. prozac takes about 4 weeks to start working, but it definetly helps. if you get your anger in control, a lot of good things start happening. otherwise it just keeps getting worse and starts affecting everything in your life. so please, please go to a shrink for help. find one you are comfortable with (not all shrinks are for everyone). there are enough cures available for depression. social anxiety might be just a phase, but your total problems do seem like a problem which needs professional help. dont go by what laymen say. get professional help. Now.  

  5. you need someone to talk too maybe you are just stressed but you can do yourself o load of good going to the dr. and letting them know these things even if it means a low dosage of a med . to help if you don't want to take meds. sometimes vitamins help and the foods we eat too help i just read that eating a banana helps with stress. your body goes through so many thing as it changes and moods are a big part of it .  

  6. Some of this is normal. Anxiety has loads and loads of causes, but stress may be one of them. Make sure you're sleeping properly and eating healthily, and remember, smile! You'll find that somebody who smiles and is friendly is hardly ever picked on and usually liked! I'm only 15 and I still have that nervousness about things, and hormonal rages. You just need to lift your chin and smile cos then nobody will be able to laugh, and you'll feel much more confident and happy!

  7. From someone whose been there I would suggest that you make an appt. with a good psychiatrist.  It sounds like you have one of two things, both of which I was diagnosed with about that time.

    Social Anxiety Disorder~which can be very manageable with relaxation and other techniques.


    Bipolar Disorder~or manic/depressive disorder.

    Your doctor can diagnose you and can help you immensely.(caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain).

    or possibly,

    Panic Disorder.

    Once you have a diagnosis their are online groups that can also help.  They will know what you're going through.  

    There are thousands of people out there, like us, and they are living very successful, creative, happy lives.

    Don't be scared or discouraged.  It will be alright, you'll see!

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