
Is this just a phase?

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You know how most kids always avoid eating their vegetables well recently that's all my daughter eats! It's worrying me. I took her to the Doctor, and he said it was just a phase, and that some kids go through it when they get to her age (she's 2 1/2) If I cook chicken with rice, and broccoli she'll only eat the broccoli and about a teaspoon of the rice she wont even touch the chicken. And no it isn't my cooking. Is it really just a phase?




  1. My son was the same way until he was 3.  Just keep putting it on her plate.  Also if she eats all her vegetables  and wants more tell her she will get more when she take one or two bites of something else.  This will encourage her to try other foods.

  2. Almost certainly just a phase.  But also remember that meat is hard for little mouths to chew.  Sometimes they decide it's just not worth it.  I found it helped when I cut up meat into REALLY tiny bites.  As for the rice...probably that's just part of the phase :)  

  3. If I were you .. I wouldn't disturb it! It's a health habit, you just need to keep encouring her to eat chicken / pasta / w.e and tell her the health benefits of them.  

  4. myson has gone through that phase nw its meat and rice etc only.

  5. It's a phase!  Encourage it.  Use this time to introduce her to a bunch of veggies.  My daughter went through the same phase at 3 and even though she started eating "normally" again, she still loves her veggies!!! (she is almost 10)

  6. I'm afraid so, give her bigger portions to be sure that she is full but there is nothing that you can so but keep offering her all kinds of food on her plate.

  7. Yes it is a phase, most kids go through the "I don't want meat" phase and we have to find other ways of getting in the protein.  I use to add soy protein to things because my boys were just so picky about meat.  They have their days where they are better but most of their protein seems to come from peanutbutter on their celery.  

  8. I know where you are coming from. I have 5 children and they ALL went through it and the 11 year old is still going through it. But the Dr. said that she is eating healthy and do not bother her. She will only eat a little bit of baked chicken only. No other meat. Good luck and she will be fine. I give my younguns a vitamin just to be safe. They all like Fred Flintstone...LOL.

  9. Hi there,

    i would say its a phase. any difference in eating habits is worrying for parents so your not on your own.

    there are a few things you could try, maybe puree the chicken and rice for example and use it as a sauce over the veg.

    the most important thing (and easier said than done i know) is not to show the frustration to her. just calmly give her her dinner with a few extra veg and ask her to eat it all, when or if she doesnt, just say well if you dont eat you wont get anything else and take it away, eventually she will start eating them.

    the reason for these phases are often attention, not that you don tgive her attention but thats just how they grow and develop, but they do need to be guided as playing with food is not really acceptable. just keep perseverign and try not to give any negavive or to much positive attention when she eats.

    hope this helps you


  10. You make her sit at the table until she finishes her plate, period. My kids don't have choices on whether or not they are going to eat what's cooked because I don't give them one.
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