
Is this just a teenager thing? Please help.?

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I hide all this from my mother. She knows I self-injure but she has no idea about my emotions, it's gotten so bad that I passed out at school from hyperventilating from crying. My bf is my only support.




  1. you should try religion

  2. No, I think this has gone beyond the parameters of teenage behaviors phases. You have to many issues going on at is time to get help - in particular professional - it is time for you to get counseling otherwise it will only get worse.

    You have described indicators of depression, anxiety, abandonment, and suicidal thoughts, and self mutilation. It is time for you to go to your parents / guardian and ask for counseling.

  3. all teens feel depressed at some point, thats for sure. but, it think if you're hurting yourself and having suicidal thoughts you should see a counselor or something. i think you just need to talk about your feelings to someone who will just plain listen and not judge you or give opinions. if life seems like a bottom less pit, don't worry if you have a optimistic attitude and work hard you CAN brush away those bad feelings and be happy again, cause there is more to life then you think. keep holding on. good luck&i hope i helped =)

  4. I think it is just a teenager thing... My mom says that too. You are just really lost right now and need some guidance, soon you will find your solid ground and feel better about yourself. The horomones are raging in your body, and its okay if you are not happy all the time. You shouldn't have to act a certain way with anybody. Just talk to your school councelor or someone you trust.

    Do not listen to the others that are saying you have a problem and you are a mental case. When they mature they will more than likely have the same thing happen to them.

  5. um go see a therapist seriously not to be mean but it could save your life

  6. well the only thing i can refer well depending your religion

    you could go to God =)

  7. The same thing happened to me around that age. And to answer your question it is just a teenager thing. All the hormones rushing through your body can make things like that happen. Talk to someone it helps release endorfins which make you happy. Just be sure you can trust the person. Once you feel comfortable you may whant to see a conseler or a psychiatrist. Just make sure who ever you talk to you can trust and feel comfortable with. Just a hint you may not want to talk to your boyfriend at first or make him your only support or your depression might worsen.

  8. ok... i think something happen in your life that is triggereing this depression and sadness.  so you know get in touch with your inner self and take a trip to the beach and find tranquility like i am doin rite now and you know what get a nice hotel and dont talk to EVERYBODY IN YOUR PHONE!  just talk to your bestie and boyfriend and just listen trust me itll help.. keep me posted  

  9. Everyone needs someone to talk to when they need help. If there's something that you can't bring up with the people around you, here are some telephone hotlines that are:

    Free (Call from a regular phone not a cell phone if you don't want the number to show up on the cell phone bill)

    Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    Anonymous and confidential. This means they won't ask for your name or share anything you talk about.

    Able to help you with any problem you're having, no matter how big or small

    Able to give you names and numbers of places near you that can also help

    Ready to listen to you without passing judgement

    Covenant House Nineline


    English and Spanish

    Boys and Girls Town Hotline


    English and Spanish

    ChildHelp USA


    English and Spanish

    National Hopeline Network


    English and Spanish

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