
Is this just another sick democrat who said God did the storm to help them? Don Fowler DNC member?

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listen for yourself, The ex Head of the DNC praising the hurricanes destruction to New Orleans.




  1. Are you shocked ,Your talking about Liberals the lowest form of human beings God Created,Alien life does exist

  2. what a puking gasshole!

  3. The irony is the Hurricane actually HELPS the Republicans, I can think of in at least four ways:

    1)  Gives McCain a chance to look Presidential, above partisan politics;

    2)  Gives RNC excuse not to invite Bush/Cheney to convention;

    3)  Gives Republicans opportunity to use convention time as fund-raiser for all the displaced families and victims of Gustav;

    4)  Gives American public relief from another boring convention in a time when generic Republican poll numbers are very low.

    In the meantime though - we all need to be praying for minimal damage and casualties, and the restoration of the true American spirit to help our brothers and sisters in their time of need.

  4. Another foul mouth.

  5. oh quit your whining

  6. Yes.

  7. Sick Democrat is redundant.

  8. And there was that crazy fundamentalist preacher who said that 9/11 was god's response to homosexuality in the country. Give it a break...personally, I'd say that Don Fowler had it right.  

  9. He must be nuts, everyone who watches the 700 CLUB knows that it is because of the immorality of non-republicans.

  10. As it's been said before..bad news is good news for democrats...heaven forbid anything goes right.(pun)

  11. You can't say God and then dismiss Satan. The bible states that he is unleashed upon the citizens of earth for a time and he has dominion over the air.

    If anything this storm is his doing hoping to cause people hurt first and hurting the gop convention thus helping his lacky Osama and hurting America again as we obliviously throw Americas hat into the New World Order.

    Barack   Hussein   Obama  doesn't this name sound just a little unamerican to anyone else?.

  12. There are plenty of nut cases from all parties.  Remember the guy who prayed for rain on Obama's exception speech?  Not as bad as a hurricane, but just as silly.

  13. NOT help ..Just to slow the war monster down..For educations people to rethinking about the girl that he picked to just win the elections for him.

  14. Yes. Absolutely

  15. People say all kinds of stupid things in unguarded moments.

    It is pretty classless hoping for political advantage from a disaster that at minimum is going to overturn a lot of people's lives and at worst will kill a lot of them.

    But most of us have said worse.

  16. Classy and very caring guy.

    I haven't seen that worthless bag of sheet micheal moore in a long time.

    He is still the repulsive loser that he has always been.

    But in our great country even a repulsive loser such a himself has been able to make a ton of dough off of a certain percentage of the gullible public.

    To look at him you would think that the best he could do to earn a living was to maybe collect shopping carts at a supermarket parking lot.

    Sorry if I have offended any shopping cart collectors, you have provided a far greater service to your country then micheal moore ever has or ever will!

  17. And they call McCain too old. This guy belongs in a home for bitter, defeated democrats.

  18. Do you really think God is really all that interested in our election and who wins?  He gave us free will and is allowing us to destroy ourselves.

  19. These are the same people that scorned John Hagee for saying the exact same thing. lol!!

  20. Actually God is still in charge. He is creator and ruler of the universe. Whomever He wants to win the election, will win; but that is if He even cares...I think it is wrong for Christians to say things that demean themselves as a Christian and also give the pretense that they know what God is thinking...

  21. Inappropriate and twisted.

    Normal traits for Liberal leadership.

  22. Um, I am pretty sure he was joking and mocking the fact that fundie nuts said Katrina was God's punishment for homosexuality and that minister praying for rain for the DNC.  

  23. you bet ye.

  24. I dont know who that is.  It is a strange that Haters had no problem when a Right wing pastor asked them to pray for a rainstorm to ruin Obama's convention speech. Divine Retribution?

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