
Is this just crazy or is my manager pickin on me?

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I work in a busy office with 5 other managers who all are NOT my superior. I have noticed that every Monday one of them says she is leaving early to go to a MD's appt. ( may or may not be true as she is a non compliant diabetic ) I have another who literally has gotten up and left during her shift without so much as a word to me or the others due to her asthma or back or something. We had one out for over a week due to a house issue.. her floorking fell through her living room and she felt it was emergent enough to leave the office and be there with the contractors...

I have a very infected molar that I had seen last week at the dentist office. I am currently on antibiotics and a narcotic pain medicine....I was seen today to assess how it is going along. I had a 2pm appt and did not return to my office.

I came home to this email.. is she picking on me or just had enough of the office absentism from my colleaugues??

Medical and dental appointments are necessary as we all know. But it is

really important especially with Donna off, that we try to make all

personal appointments as late in the day as possible to avoid having the

other Team Managers cover other teams.

Also, most appointments other than emergency appts are made in advance

so I would like to make sure that at the afternoon staffing meeting the

day before, we all discuss any appts (whether personal or business) that

we may have so we can be better prepared for coverage.




  1. It sounds like you work in a very ill workplace!!

    I would just talk to the person who sent the e-mail and say, "I'd like to apologize for any inconvenience that I may have caused yesterday.  I did provide the proper advance notification and this visit was important because I do have an infected molar.  This was the latest time that the dentist could take me."

    There!  Leave it at that.  No offense, but it really isn't your business how many doctor's appointments the other staff members take - only because it's not within your abilities to determine the legitimacy of such appointments.  I know, it's a bother to you since you end up covering their butts.  But, that's between their superiors and them.  

    Just make sure you apologize (so you look good), then explain your circumstance.  

    You shouldn't feel guilty about spending the afternoon at the dentist, and you shouldn't be penalized for it.

  2. Has your manager sent that type of email to the others who were out? It's possible that the others have gotten a similar email from your manager!

    If you feel like you have been singled out, sit down with your manager and discuss the situation. Explain that you had a very painful tooth infection and did not feel well enough to return to work. Point out that you are constantly there for the company and you feel you are being unnecessarily singled out. It's possible your manager will confess that she was fed up with your collegues and took it out on you. Good Luck!

  3. I would not take that personally and yes I think she did that because of the others taking advantage.  It is always advisable to give as much notice to your boss as you can so he/she can put it in their calendar.  If you are having a difficulty as a toothache you can then explain the situation and say you will try to get in ASAP because of the pain and swelling.  I think they will understand.  Okey dokie?

  4. I would talk to her in person and tell her very calmly that two o'clock is late in the day and although your appointment may not have been an emergency, but it was urgent due to the raging infection in your mouth.  You understand there is a problem with absenteeism and will do your best to be at work, and perhaps some of the other managers would benefit from the same discussion.  That way you don't single anyone out, but you let her know that you have a right to attend to your health and will not be bullied for what everyone else is doing.  Good luck.

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