I work in a busy office with 5 other managers who all are NOT my superior. I have noticed that every Monday one of them says she is leaving early to go to a MD's appt. ( may or may not be true as she is a non compliant diabetic ) I have another who literally has gotten up and left during her shift without so much as a word to me or the others due to her asthma or back or something. We had one out for over a week due to a house issue.. her floorking fell through her living room and she felt it was emergent enough to leave the office and be there with the contractors...
I have a very infected molar that I had seen last week at the dentist office. I am currently on antibiotics and a narcotic pain medicine....I was seen today to assess how it is going along. I had a 2pm appt and did not return to my office.
I came home to this email.. is she picking on me or just had enough of the office absentism from my colleaugues??
Medical and dental appointments are necessary as we all know. But it is
really important especially with Donna off, that we try to make all
personal appointments as late in the day as possible to avoid having the
other Team Managers cover other teams.
Also, most appointments other than emergency appts are made in advance
so I would like to make sure that at the afternoon staffing meeting the
day before, we all discuss any appts (whether personal or business) that
we may have so we can be better prepared for coverage.