
Is this just my "new" body? ?

by Guest44666  |  earlier

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It's been about a month since I had my daughter and the dark line that runs down your belly when your pregnant is STILL THERE! Will it ever go away? I also have this belly flab, like extra skin I can't seem to get rid of on my belly and back. Does it eventually go away or is there any way to burn it off? I've never had a "muffin top" before and it's grossing me out. I can feel my abs under about an inch of flub but can't seem to get rid of it. And the most noticible problem is my b*****s. I'm breastfeeding and one is much larger than the other and produces twice as much milk. I've tried pumping the other longer or feeding her more on the smaller side to get it to plump up like the other and it isn't changing. Is this all normal? Will I ever resemble my prepregnancy self? I love my daughter and would do it all over again, I just didn't expect this to happen to me.




  1. I have the same issue with the belly flab. I have always been a size small and now im a large...  It's hard to find clothes because I dont wany my belly to show. I had my son 3 months ago. Everyone says it takes 9 months for all the fat to come off.. .it took 9 months to gain so it takes 9 months to lose. Just exercise and eat healthy and eventually it will come off... Im trying to be patient but its hard I know.

    Good luck!

  2. dont worry my daughter is 4 weeks old and i still have the line on my belly too. i also have flab and extra skin.  dont be too hard on ur self remember it took ur body 9 months to gert like this it not gonna be back to normal in a few weeks.  Just eat lots of healthy foods and walk heaps u can start doin other excercise in 2 weeks (like toning excercises)

    It will get back to normal but u have to work at it.

  3. If it's only been a month (4 weeks), you shouldn't be working out yet at all! You need to wait until your 6 week checkup and get the clear from your doctor before excercising.

    And you didn't expect this to happen to you??? It happens to everyone. The only thing that will make it go away is time. Breastfeeding burns an extra 500 calories a day. You can go on after-dinner walks if you want. And give it a few months. It takes most people 6 months to a year to get back to their pre-pregnancy body. No one expects you to look like a supermodel now-- you just had a baby.

  4. Your uterus has likely not completely shrunk back yet, so things will probably change drastically over the next few weeks.  I am 3 months post partum and I still have a flabby belly, but it's nothing like it was when my son was one month old.  My line is almost gone, hopefully in the next couple of weeks it will completely go away.  My belly button is still a little stretched out which I don't like.  Maybe as I get back in shape that will look better?  

    And having one breast produce more milk is totally normal, I had the same problem.  I am done breastfeeding and they now look like they did before.

  5. it's due to hormones. my son is 17 months and that dark line is still there but i'm the only one who can tell now- it is very slowly going  away. your body will tighten up and your b*****s will get used to how much your daughter feeds on each side and tehy will regulate. i had the same problem sometimes

  6. Its only been a month -it takes 6-9 months for the changes from pregnancy to reverse themselves.

    The line on your belly will go away, sometime exfoliating will help.  Exposing it to the sun will make it stay longer.

    Your skin should tone up some, you have to give it time.

    As for one breast being larger than the other I would keep at working on it.

    It may or may not go away particularly if you can't even them up.  In the meantime if it really bothers you get a good water filled breast pad.

  7. Hi Honey,

    Your body is still returning to normal on the inside!!. If you want to burn off fat you need to walk a lot say... 2 hours a day and eat fresh food and in the proper portions. It will never look the same way it did before you had the baby however, you can have a flat belly but it will take discipline and hard work not only to get it but to keep it.


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