
Is this just one benefit of having high gas prices?

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Now that many of you can no longer afford to drive. The roads will be wide open for more responsibl drivers. Dining experiences out on the town should be much more enjoyable without rude and loud kids running all over the place.

Lines to gt into places should be shorter.

It's not all bad.




  1. Not if you think about the fact that 6 billion peoples survival and our entire food supply (pesticides, herbicides, packaging, transport, processing etc ... ) depends on cheap petroleum and petroleum products.   The peak oil crisis is far more urgent than any of the "global warming" theories.

  2. I dont know about that but I own share in an energy sector fund that is just growing by leaps and bounds. Anyone who owns a pension fund or mutual fund that invests in energy is doing pretty well right now.

  3. There are at least two meaningful benefits to high energy prices:

    1.  By causing reduced consumption, it reduces greenhouse gas emmissions and is thus good for the environment.

    2.  It causes people to think and to begin to take actions now to avoid the coming trainwreck.  While peak oil may not yet be upon us, it is at least close enough for some of its effects to be clearly visible.  The sooner we shift from the ever dwindling supply of fossil fuels to alternatives and renewables that will be sustainable for centuries to come, the better off this planet will be.  Not only is the quality of life of billions of people at stake, but so is life itself for those that rely on affordable foods grown in countries like ours.

    To talk about this new energy crisis in terms of how it makes your dining experience more enjoyable is arrogant, if not  completely irresponsible.  I sure hope you do not have childern yourself so you are not polluting their minds with such useless and counterproductive ideas.

  4. Of course it's still bad, what do you think's gonna happen when people can't even afford to go to work anymore because there work place is to far?

    Loads more people will be on benefits and when they s***w you over and stop your money then the only thing left is to cause crime, these prices are on a path leading to h**l.

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