
Is this kid a sosciopath?

by  |  earlier

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Here are his symptoms:

-He hates taking orders from anyone

-Won;t listen to anyone

-Thinks everyones talking about him and judging him

-Draws people he knows with nasty devil ears or nasty thing near them





  1. All symtoms of being a child.  How old is he?  I would not worry about it.  He is just a normal little boy.  Sounds like my teens.  lol

    good luck.

  2. Take him to a psychiatrist. People here can't evaluate from that stuff.

    My kid had the first three, but, as an adult, he's the nicest guy, has been to Katrina clean ups 4 times. Went to Thailand to share love of Jesus, recycles, helps people.

  3. nope... hes a kid...

  4. he is probably mentally challenged people should try to be his friend even if it's hard.

  5. He's an angry little kid...that's all?

  6. Has he been abused?

  7. That doesn't mean he's a sociopath (one who is mortally afraid of society and fears it severely). It just means he's a brat who needs his *** kicked into shape.

  8. I used to do the same thing!

    I wouldn't listen.

    I got sensitive alot.

    And I always made pics of ppl I was mad at!

    It was fun I thought it was a game.

    But one day my mom said I could draw the pics instead of hitting.

    To listen because something could happen

    And that people wouldnt laugh about me while I was in the room.

    It passed but the phase lasted two months.

    I still draw devil pictures! =O

    Well two outta three aint bad.

  9. Sounds like hes a pretty typical boy, to me.

    How old is he?

  10. nope. Just sounds like an angry kid

  11. kill it

  12. I don't think anyone under the age of sixteen or so can truly be a sociopath. Does this person have issues, though, yes! Try not to be too judgmental, however. That won't do any good!

  13. sociopath, no

    undisciplined, yes

  14. Be careful of labeling children when you aren't a specialist... it could hurt the kid immensely.

    He probably simply needs love. He probably needs attention and hugs and compliments.

  15. If he's under age 18, then 'No' he won't fit the criteria.  Anti-Social Personality Disorder really can't be confirmed until age 18 and I assume he's younger.  The closest 'label' you could get is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) or Conduct Disorder...both of which don't seem to fit your description either.

    Since you didn't specify his age, I'll assume he's between 9 and 12 (due to the 'devil ears').  Here's a few things to think about.  He sounds like a very angry kid.

    1. Not taking orders and listening to 'anyone' (especially an adult) is typical for a young person starting adolesence.  Their job is to show they are 'independent' from their parents and often go to great lengths to prove it.  If this is the case, you might consider doing things that help him be independent without breaking every rule in the book.  One way to be  'independent' is to take responsibility for something that he can handle and shown an interest.  Also negoiation on rules of behavior with consistent rewards and consequences may be helpful.

    2. If everyone is 'talking about him and judging him' he may be feeling insecure or have very low self esteem.  Individual achievement, interest and goals may help.  What is he doing that other's would judge him so poorly?

    3. Its important that he have a trusted adult or peer to talk with and express what he's thinking, feeling, experiencing and planning.  Drawing is a good outlet.  Ask him to explain what he draws and sympathize a little.  Anger is usually the result of some other emotion.

    Good luck

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