
Is this kind of abortion wrong?

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To deliberately get pregnant because you want to be parents, then freak out about money when it happens and have an abortion?




  1. People do strange things when faced with reality.  The thought of being a parent and actually being a parent are 2 different things but if the baby was planned then I would say yes its wrong just because you have a last minute freak out.  

  2. i would definitely say thats a bit stupid.

    and people who are stupid like that don't deserve to have children  

  3. abortion = wrong

  4. yes it is

  5. Of course.

    It's one of the worst things imaginable. Under that sort of a circumstance, it should be considered First Degree Murder, in my opinion.

    If the offenders are juveniles, they should be tried as adults.

  6. Absoluetly! I cannot believe people even consider this. Honestly, I think this is very immoral and horrible parenting. You can see that these "parents" are not ready to be parents at all!!!!  

  7. I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't make this right

  8. abortion is wrong

    you say you want to be a parent

    then gonna have money problems

    dont get pregnant!!!!!!!!!

    a baby is a blessing

    dont make there life end cause you want to have them, then change your mind later

  9. No all abortion is wrong  

  10. Yes it is wrong you can not kill a baby when you know that he/she did not do anything to you and if you are a christian you shouldnt do it, its wrong, very wrong think about it...

    What if it was you in your mothers tommy and the next thing you know you realise you are dying.

    Yo dont wanna be a killer right?

  11. In my eyes YES but i'm not the one making the decision.

  12. yes. all types of abortion is wrong

  13. You should've thought about money in the beginning.

    Seriously...who doesn't think about money when they hear their pregnant? That's like the first thing that pops into your head.

  14. Yes, and pretty stupid too.

    Unless you're rich, having a baby means you're always going to be worrying a bit about money. It's not exactly a valid reason for having an abortion; that's the sort of thing you should consider before you get pregnant. And unless you're so poor that a baby would mean you couldn't afford to eat, why on earth would you do that?

  15. Any kind of abortion is wrong, for any reason, except in the instance that the mother's life is in serious jeopardy if she continues to carry the pregnancy.

  16. If you are not adult enough to be able to handle the consequences of your actions then don't put yourself in the position in the first place! What a waste of life when many people cannot have even one child and would do anything for the chance to be a parent.

    I knew a girl who used to get pregnant all the time and she would use a hanger to give herself homemade abortions. She ended up dying by hemorrhaging internally after about the 7th one. I was GLAD! How irresponsible?!

    The Horror Of Abortion

    Induced abortion involves a brutal procedure wherein someone tears an innocent growing fetus out of its biological home in the mother's womb, thus inexorably leading to the bloody death of the unborn child. Professionals estimate that approximately 46 million abortions take place each year! That means, on any given day this violent and disturbing procedure happens approximately 126,000 times!

    Abortion Facts

        * Pain receptors begin to appear in the seventh week of pregnancy.

        * The heartbeat begins on the 21st day after conception.

        * Approximately 46 million abortions are performed globally each year.

        * Of these, 26 million are said to occur in places where abortion is legal; the other 20 million happen where it is illegal.

        * Approximately 26% of pregnancies are aborted.

    Partial Birth abortion is so barbaric that who ever conceived it must be an horrible ogre... Hard to imagine it was ever approved in this country, isn't it? Well, imagine this... full evidence of how this unimaginable act is performed has never been presented before the Supreme Court. For the convenience of selfish women, an unborn baby is turned in the womb and delivered feet first, leaving the head inside as a technicality in order to claim the child has not been born so that the doctor can then stab a hole in the base of it's skull and suck it's brains out with a vacuum device. Let your congressman know immediately how you feel about it in order to overturn actions by pro-abortionists.

  17. YES!

    I personally think any kind of abortion is wrong. Don't have unprotected s*x if you aren't willing to get pregnant. This is horrible, I pray that it isn't you in this situation.  

  18. any kind of abortion is wrong!

  19. You should have been aborted

  20. well yes - irresponsible

    I am pro-choice and i hate having an opinion on when it is right/wrong to get an abortion but in some cases it can be prevented. If you actively choose to be a parent then you change your mind that to me is not right. I mean no one is really ever fully ready to be a parent there are ways around financial problems. That just seems sad to me.

  21. In my opinion, it is wrong because you took the informed decision to become pregnant then got rid of it because it became inconvenient.  It is not the childs fault it was concieved, but the child pays the ultimate price.  I would advise people to think long and hard before making the decision to become parents, it is a life long job, and a hard job at that!

  22. yep

  23. ughh its the woman's choice i have no say =/ but i feel its messed up at least have the baby and give it away =/

  24. YES!

    any type of abortion is wrong....unless there is something life threatening involved. You can always find a way to cope with money problems, but having an abortion is something that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. you should really think this through first....

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