
Is this kind of fetal movement normal at this point in pregnancy?

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Im just about 35 weeks pregnant with my first child. Im due October 9th but I have a c-section scheduled on October 1st. My baby is larger than average and moves all the time. Hes a very active boy. However today I notice he is moving a little differently. I know he is bigger now so maybe its that because he has less room, his movements just seem stronger.

Today they hurt a little. Its not a pleasant little wriggle, its like he is doing Tae Bo in there. It has gone on all day. It also feels as though his head is much lower. I feel occasional pressure on my bladder and pelvic bones when he shifts and it isnt comfortable or pleasant. Sometimes it is painful when he kicks a nerve.

Is he moving himself down lower and into position? Is it normal for the movements to feel stronger at this point in pregnancy? I dont remember it being like this yesterday. Its like today he got a bit more energetic. I dont think its frantic or like something is wrong, its just different and lower.




  1. Oh yah. It sounds to me like your your big boy is just moving into position. The last two weeks of my pregnancy where very un comfortable because every time my princess would move I felt extreme pressure on my bladder and towards my bottom. This is normal. I wouldn't worry. Just try and enjoy these last four weeks and relax. Congrats on the little guy and good luck.

  2. at around this time bubs movements will decrease as there is less room.

    if you don't feel anything for a few hours and have a rest and a cold drink to see if you feel anything if you cant please call the hospital and head straight in

  3. He's probably just moving into position to come out, you know head first and his quarters are getting tight so you feel it alot more, its nothing to worry about.  Congrats and best of luck with the C-sec

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