
Is this kind of mental disorder?

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i care about being clean too much if i go to the bathroom i spend hours cleaning over and over ,if i have c**p i stick my finger in my a**s to clean it with soap over and over ,people around me says this is crazy and i just hate smell body




  1. Ummmm ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

  2. Hello there,

    This sounds to be as if you either have or are developing an obsessive compulsive disorder.

    This disorder can manifest itself in many ways. For example, having to turn a light switch off and on repeatedly before entering a room.

    or in your case, and very commonly, in excessive cleansing of the body, and constantly paranoia that you are dirty or smell.

    This in your case seems to have manifested itself in the form of you cleaning yourself over and over, even though cleaning yourself once would be enough. It also manifested itself in the form of the unusual and rare cleaning of the a**s after going to the toilet, but this for you, is something you feel compulsed to do.

    The problem is, that putting soap in your a**s is quite dangerous, and can cause infection and irritation.

    OCD is something that you are not able to control, however, with therapy and medication, it can be controlled in the long run.

    You need to make the first step and see a doctor, who will then refer you to a psychiatrist.

    There are many different theories about the cause of OCD, however, the most recognised cause is an abnormality with the neurotransmitter in the brain called seretonin.

    I have provided a link in the sources, so you can look at an article which will tell you everything you need to know in much more detail than i can provide here.

    Please get help soon, as this disorder does progress and become more intrusive.

    Good luck, you'll be fine!

  3. Nothing wrong with that as long as you wash your finger prior to gagging yourself.  

  4. I like being clean too, but it sounds like it has gotten to the point where it is interfering with your life. By the way, how do people around you know you do this? YOu do not have to tell your private things to the people around you. Please see a doctor and ask for some help. No one should have to live their life chained to rituals they don't want to be in. My heart goes out to you.

    I think just a simple wet wipe draped over a piece of toilet paper will clean you up sufficiently. It's ok.  

  5. erm :S im not sure tbh i think the a**s part was a little Strang there nothing wrong with been hygenic but thats a ittle too far for me..see a doctor?

  6. i think you need help ,but will you go to stranger and tell about your pop habits i doubt that so try to take it out of your life slowly

  7. OCD

  8. i would think that its only a problem if you think it is and by putting the question her your questioning yourself, so ultimatley yes you have a problem and its called


    Obsessions and rituals associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder can interfere with a person's normal routine, schoolwork, job, family, or social activities. Several hours every day may be spent focusing on obsessive thoughts and performing seemingly senseless rituals. Trying to concentrate on daily activities may be difficult. Left untreated, OCD can interfere with all aspects of life.

  9. You have OCD. this can happen to any-one but you will soon overcome this. You could even talk to your GP about this...

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