
Is this lawful, and what will the police to?

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My dad is going to kick me out of the house (I am 24 years old), and I have no where to go, and he has been abusing me all my live. And he will try to force me out of the house tonight. And I refuse to leave, and if he starts beating me, do I have the right to call the police? And what will the police do about this situation? Remind you he has been an a*****e all my live.




  1. The police will escort you out of the house... you'll only be able to grab your toothbrush and few clothes because you have no "standing" (right) to legally be in the home. Why not just leave now rather than go through an ugly confrontation with both your dad and police that everyone will later regret. You should have been working on getting out of there a long time ago my friend. Take the plunge now!

  2. Why do you want to live with him if he is abusing you? GTFO! You're 24 years old! Don't you have any friends you can stay with? You can get social services so just get out, get a job, and get your own place!

  3. He's not breaking the law by kicking you out, since you're an adult. If he hits you, you do have the right to call the police, and they can arrest him. I'm not sure what you can do about the sexual abuse situation. You'd have to ask them yourself.

  4. He might get in trouble for hitting you BUT you will probably be arrested for trespassing...

    Do you have any friends you could stay with?

    Maybe its a good idea to get out of a house hold where you are being beat.

  5. On one hand you clearly don't want to move out. You like being a little boy and being taken care of by your Mom and Dad. On the other hand, you are 24. You don't get along with your Dad and you say he "beats" you.

    No, it is not legal to get into physical altercations with family members. It is Domestic Violence, just like it would be between boyfriends and girlfriends, or husbands and wives.

    If you call the police and have a family member arrested, I am sure you will be no more welcome at home than you are at the present time. The best advice would be to find a place to live and not let it escalate to where the police have to be called.

  6. Get a job.

  7. You are an adult and he has no obligation to support you. He can remove you just as he can remove any other trespasser.

    He has the right to use force to remove you or any other trespasser.

    How much force and how it is applied may cause him some problems with the law, but you are committing a crime by remaining there after he tells you to leave.

    His past conduct, bad as it may have been, is irrelevant in this matter. He is removing a trespasser.

  8. If he physically assaults you it is a matter for the police to investigate. If it is his house he can require you to leave but cannot physically eject you, that is assault. If, as you say, you are the victim of systematic abuse, why have you not informed the police previously? You can do so now and they are required to diligently investigate your allegations.

  9. Lot more issues here than justice. You are 4 years older than your brother. Maybe when your brother hits 24 year, he will be kicked out also.

    If you live in the US, there is no state that makes a parent take care of you after the age of 18. To stay in an "abusive " home after age 18 does not make sense unless there is an advantage to it. If you do not work and provide nothing for the family it is possible you are viewed as a liability rather than an asset.

    Sooner or later, we all have to leave the nest and do for ourselves. He can have you escorted out by police unless you own the home.He can have you legally barred from the home and have you arrested for tress pass any time you come back. Do you pay rent and hold a full time job? Failing after being on your own and possibly losing your job is one thing. If you have never had a job and never left, that is entirely another thing.

  10. Grow up and move out. For the love of God!!!!! You gonna be a leech to your parents the rest of your life. You are almost as bad as my wife's ex-husband! He's nearly 40 and lives with her parents because he is too much of a loser to get his own place.

    But that's beside the point. You are 24 and your younger brother is 20 and you both live at home. Your dad is probably being an a*****e in hope of getting you to move out. But I guess you never made the connection.

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