
Is this laxative abuse?

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I remember a little over a year ago feeling so bloated that I bought ex lax. I took the recommended dose and then left it in the med. cabinet. After seeing the result I took another weeks after that. I ended up buying ex lax three times that year. Was never one a day or more then the recommended dose a week. That was it. This year I had bought three bottles of a different laxative, which I don't think I abused, I never had it more than a week. Long story short, last week was so stressful for me with the fear of being pregnant, I wanted to try anything to have a miscarriage, I had SIPPED at the liquid laxative for three days straight. Was never the dose requirement, was less....well now it's 5 days later, I'm having constipation (but still producing a small bowel movement), but then again my period will be in a few days.

I'm worried cause I read all these articles on laxative abuse (just a few days ago), and had thrown away any laxatives in my apartment, I don't want THAT result. It was just three days...small sips. Am I in trouble!? Or am I overreacting? Could is just be due to my period? I'm a paranoid freak! I do get constipation before the cycle...omigawd, I'm going to kill myself with stress.




  1. One suggestion, if you don't want to have a baby, wait to find out if you are pregnant then go to the doctor and have a regular abortion. Your approach is just going to harm yourself and possibly just result in a baby with mental and physical disabilities rather than none at all.

    Not that I condone abortion, but if you must end the pregnancy, at least do it smartly.

  2. Ok, just asking the question means there's an issue.  I have a laxative that I keep in the house and maybe use it once or twice a year!  I had to use it more often after some surgery where I was taking pain killers afterwards (pain killers slow down your intestines).  Other than that, I rarely need it and I'm 48.

    Laxatives should only be used when really needed.  What might happen is that you will really need to get some relief in the future and they won't be effective because your body has built up an immunity to it.

    I don't think you are in trouble now, just don't use the laxatives unless YOU REALLY ARE HURTING!

  3. Ok, calm's good that you are aware of the potential for abuse, but I don't think this is laxative abuse...I don't think sipping laxative is going to help you with suspected pregnancy, but I will leave that issue alone.

    Some of us just plain need laxatives sometimes...abuse sets in when you use it a lot to lose weight or when you have to use it to go.

    If you want to resolve this type of issue naturally, avoid white flour and choose all whole grains instead.  Also avoid large amounts of cheese or other binding foods (for some this includes butter).  Eat plenty of raw, unprocessed, preferably organic fruits and veges, including the peels when appropriate.  And if it's an emergency, a bran muffin will usually do the trick.  If you feel you need more than that, psyllum powder (from your local health food store) should do the trick.

    Also, sounds like your stress level is kindof high...consider yoga or meditation or just plain getting out for a walk more often...and teach yourself to focus on good things...bad things will force themselves into our thoughts often enough without us seeking them out and dwelling on them...

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