
Is this left over teenage horomones or something serious?

by Guest58850  |  earlier

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I am 23 years old and for the past 2-3 years i have been having depressive and manic episodes.

When I am depressed, i dont feel like doing doing anything, im sad, hurt, suicidal, angry

When i am manic, i spend money, have ALOT OF s*x, but with my GF only, but ALOT. I am jumpy and always got a flight of ideas but I can concentrate on it. I think really fast and think a lot, zone out often, and always irritated. I also hear some voices when I am in my room alone. Like it would be 3 in the morning and im sitting reading in my room and i would feel the front door opened or my mom and dad are downstairs telling me to come downstairs. When I would check, its nothing there and parents are sleeping. Same thing at school but with friends and stuff, I would think someone is outside calling me from my dorm room, but no one is there.

I also have little bouts of psychosis, for example i sometimes feel like im not here, sorta like depersonalization but not to that extent, kinda like how you feel if you don't sleep for 2 days, but i would start feeling it random, weather im tired or fine.

Now, im overreacting right? This can't be something like bipolar disorder right? Im still young, maybe its one of those teenage things? What could this be?




  1. Actually, you're at the age group where Schizophrenia might happen. the brain sculpts out underused neurons during the mid-twenties. auditory hallucinations are def. a symptom. Bi-Polar as well.

    use of illegal drugs and binge drinking can act as a trigger.

    Seek professional help.

  2. Yeah it sounds like it could well be bipolar, my mate and my GF dad both have it and they had similar symptoms. It could also be mild schizophrenia as it most commonly affects guys when in their late teens early 20's. Go see your doctor and he wil refer you to a specialist to get it checked out properly.

    Don't worry to much. I know there is alot of stigma attached to these conditions but they usually are easily managed. My mate and GF dad are alot happier (and lead normal lives like everyone else) since they got treatment as are all the people who care about them.

  3. Oh my god!! i'm really in shock!!

    You mention "psychosis" i have that and i never knew what it was called!! i go through the same thing!! oh my god!! now i know what its called i can do research.

    ok lets start with you, the "voices" in your head could just be your imagination, alot of things you say, like the flight of ideas but cant concentrate on them, i am the exact same! so freaky!

    I think you may need to see a doctor or something.

    But please if you find out any information about the zoneing out and stuff, please tell me, i have the same issues, thanks  

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