
Is this legal? Can an employer do this? I do plan on contacting an attorney for a real answer but....??

by  |  earlier

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I worked for a collection recovery company in Florida. They hire the cream of the crop, let me tell you. Well, the pay period was 8/1/08 - 8/15/08 and I gave my notice on 8/12/08. Now this company pays its employees 10 days after the pay period ends. So when I got my last paycheck, they had paid me minimum wage prior to my notice date. It does state in their handbook they only pay minimum wage to any employee who has not worked there at least 90 days. However, even if you give notice and work the 2 weeks out, this company will not pay you more than minimum wage according the handbook. I even have the email from HR that says they would pay me up until the 15th my minimum wage, but because I left early without telling them on the 15th which was a Friday, those b******s decide to pay me minimum the whole period, instead of paying me my regular pay up until the 15th. I plan on contacting a lawyer Monday to discuss. But is this legal? Luckily I forwarded all my emails from work that day to home and I have an email clearly from HR lady that says they will pay me my regular pay up until the 15th. They got pissed because I left early Friday and decide to dock the entire pay period. Would you work for a company that even though you give notice and work it, they would still only pay you minimum wage? I say not. It would have cost me more in gas to go to the job everyday. WORD OF ADVICE-NEVER WORK FOR A COLLECTIONS COMPANY. THEY ARE THE MOST SUED COMPANY TO EVER WORK FOR.




  1. If you feel you have been cheated pay,  contact your wage and hour board in your city or state.  An attorney would not even give you a return call on this issue.   Every issue does not require an attorney.    

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