
Is this legal in golf?

by  |  earlier

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im just a hacker bit im just wondering if I could do this in a tournament (im not entering one)

but im trying to improve my putting and when i line up my putt, i get a loose peice of grass (so it isnt 'rooted' in) and then put it where i want my ball to go immediatly off the putter.

that tactic does work for i have no problem with that but is it legal??




  1. Sorry, its not legal for tournaments. What you can do is find a noticeable spot in front of the ball and try to roll it over that. Thats what I do.

  2. No, you can not do that in tourney play.

  3. Doing what you are doing will get you disqualified in tournaments.

    As per the answer above I also use the line on the ball system.

  4. not legal....nothing to improve your line

  5. Illegal as heck.........try instead to pick out a different looking area on the line you want to putt.   Also you may want to draw a straight line on the ball and use that to line up....even Tiger does that and his game is not too bad...
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