
Is this legal........?

by  |  earlier

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I was offered a job from a company in russia, sending packages via ups and such. my husband thinks its a illegal operation to get by customs laws or something. what do u think? this is an email i recieved:

You will receive 5-15 parcels weekly. Your compensation will be paid

through Western Union office after each parcel will be delivered to our client

(You will have all tracking numbers,so you can track all packages).

You should not spend your money for postage and You don't need any investment.

Our financial managers will pay for all merchandise. After you will get the parcel,

we send you prepaid shipping label or money ( through Western Union ) for postage.

If you agree with all provisions of our agreement, please fill out all

required fields, sign it and send back via our email or via fax


We will be glad to answer all of your additional job related

questions any time.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Please confirm the receipt of this email .

...and their website is




  1. dont do it!! it sounds like a scam! and it also sounds like something on a tv show called lockdown in other countries (not quite sure thats right.. but anyways..) where people fell into scams like this one and end up getting caught and arrested.. sooo dont do it!

  2. "my husband thinks its a illegal operation to get by customs laws or something"

    Your husband is correct. Contact customs and pass on the info you were sent.

  3. it sounds like they are tryin to steal your info.

    dont be naive

    call the bank and ask them wat they kno ab it

  4. Sounds like a scam.  

  5. if it's too good to be true, then it is.

    if in your gut somethings not right, it's not.

  6. Contact U. S. Customs and ask them if this is a legal operation.

  7. oldest scam in the book.

    don't be forwarding money through western union with strangers.

    google "western union scam" and you will be done with this in the time it takes you to read about it.


    Dont its a big time scam trust me.

    you should never do those kind of money transfers theres a big catch to it and eventually comes trouble and legal issues your going to have to suffer the consequences.

    its bogus a LIE!

  9. its scetchy to say the least. be cearful with this if you plan to act on it

  10. sounds fishy to me, i wouldn't take it seriously

  11. Honestly, if you got it randomly through an email: DONT DO IT!

    When are people going to learn they are SCAMS. You don't just get things handed to you on a plate, common sense says it's a scam.

  12. Oh no no this is not legal don't do it they will get you caught up in fraud...please don't respond to the emails either there is so many fake false work offered from the UK and protect yourself just mark that email as spam and don't confirm your email is another question on here regarding this company.

  13. Don t do it, if you have never met the people doing this then you have no idea what it is about.

  14. it kind of sounds like a scam....

  15. sounds shadey, I'd proceed with caution.

  16. Scam.  Anything that goes through western union is a total fraud.

  17. i think it's illegal

    but good luck:D

    actually, it may be, sounds kind of iffy to me

  18. it's a spam email. i receive a lot of these i just delete them. i received a few emails from a guy saying that he needs to transfer $10,000,000 to a bank in US and he lives in australia but he can't because of his credit cards or something and asks me to transfer it for him and when he gets to the US he'll give me a certain percentage of the money for helping him out. I've received like 20 emails from this guy asking me to help him. so i just keep deleting them. it's some spam scam i don't want to get involved in. the point is DON"T DO IT. next thing you know your house will be surrounded by FBI at 3 am in the morning them kicking your door in drawing weapons in your face and scaring your children because they think you have connections with an international terrroist organization.

    So if you want to experience that, go ahead reply to the email that you're willing to help.

  19. Does seem shady.  And I would think if you are the on sending out from the US, you are responsible for what is inside the package (drugs, etc.)

  20. Sounds like you could be unwittingly involved in something illegal. Why can't they just send the packages directly to the parties they want you to send them to? I would steer clear of this or else you could find yourself in a whole peck of trouble.

  21. I smell a rat...

  22. I don't know about the legality of the job proposition but the whole thing is clearly a scam.

    If you've ever looked much into bogus job offerings or inheritance and business stuff you get in emails they say that there are a number of things to look for to give away that it's a scam: #1: Incorrect English usage. #2: Claiming that it's "easy" or something similar. #3: Any money goes through Western Union. #4: You never gave them any information, specifically your email address. There are more things to look for but all of these point to a scam.

    I looked up the 816 area code and it turns out it's a Missouri area code. Chances are it goes to some independent company with all sorts of paperwork filed that can process their own phone calls and therefore charge you whatever old rate they want to so if you fax something to them you're really going to love your next phone bill. Don't confirm the email was received either, they'll send you an email back and if you open that up not only will they have access to all personal information that you have sent to the internet but they'll also send a nice little file or link along with that email which eventually gives you some really bad addware onto your computer and, if it targets the right stuff, could cause your computer to literally malfunction to the point where it would no longer be usable.

    All said: report this thing now! Forward it to Yahoo! and you might want to send this to the FBI as well through IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center).

  23. I saw a story on this on Dateline NBC.  The Feds will show up at your door shortly if you start doing this.

    So the bottom line is, DON'T.
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