
Is this legal?????/ ?

by  |  earlier

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Last year I took a lot of bio notes in my hon bio class

I would like to rework them into a easier format,

and possibly sell them

as skinny version of a larger textbook

sometime in the future

is that legal?

There is no direct reference to the text it first came from

no paraphrasing of the book

its what my teacher knew

basically he took what he knew about that certain chapter and then

put it in to notes




  1. i dont think just dont get caught lmao or you will get in trouble alot

  2. No, if you're working to write a reference book, it's not just a single book you're dealing as you're reference/s. You have to read and criticize/ponder other books and get what is good you know that could be a part of your book.

  3. No.  How do you think Cliffnotes came to be?

  4. yeah.. jus dont get caught.. because if you do you'll have to explain the whole thing again n that would just be a waste of time

  5. This is kind of a tough one. If you want to sell it, be professional and only paraphrase. Be sure to credit your sources. Treat it just like a properly documented research paper and I don't see what the problem would be.  
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