
Is this legal? teachers taking students items for 2 weeks

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my retarded school has recently come up with a new plan to remove items from students for 2 weeks. i lost my phone this morning and i am extremely pissed off please tell me if this is legal or not




  1. I take items until the end of the year.  However, if a parent comes to my classroom to get, I will give it to them.

    I do not know if it is legal, but I am not keeping anything forever therefore I am not stealing.

    Have your Mom or Dad go to the school to get your phone back.

    Good luck!!!!

  2. If you are under 18 then there's prety much nothing you can do because minors don't have the same rights as adults.  HOWEVER, if your parents say to the school, "give my son back his phone" they have to because you are your parents property and so is everything you own.  If your parents don't get your phone back, the school could be sued.

  3. Unfortunately, it is legal.

    Anywhere else, it would be called stealing.

    Students, however, lose many of their constitutional rights once they enter the school building.

  4. Absolutely. If you bring prohibited items then they can take them for even longer. I have held cell phones, handheld games, and even money for 7-8 months before because their parents never picked them up after I told the student their parents could come get them.

  5. If not, it should be.  

  6. Yes, if the phone is not allowed at school, they can take it.

  7. Can TSA take things away from you when you go to the airport?  Yes.

    Can a school take things that are required for your medical or physical health?  No.

    But if you bring anything that is forbidden under the school rules, then you forfeit them as soon as they are discovered.

    Because you don't want to, doesn't make it unfair.  Personally, I've taken things from students and return them, as soon as I get a note or call from their parents.   Imagine how one parent felt, when they found out their kid had taken the parent's ipod to class?  And when another had brought sister's cellphone to school, there must have been an interesting discussion at home.

    Bravo to your school for remembering that it's a school, not a playground.

    p.s.  Be glad it's only 2 weeks.  Some schools can and do keep items for the entire school year.

  8. Of course it's legal! Don't bring your phone to class. Simple as that. You break a rule, face the consequences.

    Constitutional rights (to a degree) do not apply to students in a school setting. Get over your initial anger and figure out how to be a better student.  

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