
Is this little boy going to turn out g*y?

by Guest58817  |  earlier

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O.k, he sometimes plays with his little sister's Disney Princess ball when he has his own. He puts his hands on his hips sometimes and imitates his teacher (which is a woman). He screams like a girl too.




  1. If he is a little boy.. those are no indications at all that he will turn g*y. My mom's brother played with her dolls..then he wanted to ''operate on them and he took them apart.. but of course the little fool couldn't put them back together again, so my mom took all his tin soldiers and melted them over a pot of hot water... Kids are kids.. boys play with dolls.. girls play with boys toys .. that is good. A boy who plays with his sisters dolls may learn from that when he gets older and becomes a dad.. a girl climbs trees or plays football that doesn't mean she will turn L*****n.. whether someone turns L*****n or g*y only decides in mid puberty.. definitely can't tell in childhood.. one has to wait until puberty and then the boy or girl will slowly find out which way her or his tendencies lie but not at such a young age.. They don't know. They are not yet interested in the opposite s*x as such.. and just to play with dolls or doing girls things is not what makes a little boy g*y..

  2. If you keep obsessing about him being g*y, you will project that onto him and see his gayness everywhere.  Who cares.  It is obvious he isnt old enough to even be thinking about his own sexuality.  So quit projecting your homophobic fears onto him.

  3. No. Its called being a kid.

    At a young age children are just learning what things are.

    My nephew used to wear my nieces bathing suit, wear my heels, put on makeup, and carry a purse. He was 6. He turned out fine to.

    (hes now 16 and has a girlfriend)


  4. Dont jump to conclusions! He's a little boy..of course you won't know if he is g*y or not until he's older and discovers for himself, but for now just let him be who he wants so later he doesnt end up confused.

  5. How old is he?

    Doesn't matter what he's playing with.  Society puts standards on those things, not children.  Who cares if he's playing with a disney princess ball.  Would you be worried if the sister was playing with cars?

    If he's a child, he won't scream like a man, his voice isn't low enough yet.  Imitation is also a normal part of growing up, so yes, he will imitate his female teacher...

    Come to think of it, what if he does turn out g*y?  What's the problem?  If this child turns out g*y, his biggest problem will be the homophobic people around him...

    Love this little boy for who he is, not for what you think he should be...

  6. no, toys are toys and we all imitate our teachers.  Let hi live and see what happenes, no need to worry now.

  7. depends on how old the boy is...

    if hes really young than the most likely thing is that he's just influenced by his sister..not in a bad way my brother used to be like that too because he had no male company...being g*y or not is really a conscious decision thats made or realized at a later age...and being g*y really doesnt always have to do with being feminine...

    my brother's totally straight now. childrenn tend to behave that way because the gender roles havent quite sunk in for them yet.

    meanwhile i used to be like a tomboy yet i too am completely straight.

  8. No. This is normal. He will adjust, remember you once screamed like a girl until you went through puberty.  

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