
Is this lucid dreaming?

by  |  earlier

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I like to draw pictures of stuff I see in dreams, and i had them all over my dorm, and this guy I know saw some of them and asked about them, so I started telling him about some of my dreams, and he says they're lucid dreams. He says he knows about this because he took a psychology class. I don't actually know that much about it

When I dream, it's like I know I'm asleep, and I know that I have to stay asleep if I want to keep dreaming, or that I need to wake up if I want to stop dreaming. Everything still feels real in the dream, but it's like I know that the real world exists too.

It feels like when you go outside. You still know that the inside of the building is there, you just can't percieve it because you're not there.

Sometimes I'm able to dream about certain things too. Like if I had a really nice dream last night, I'll be able to think about that dream, and have more or less the same dream. The same people and the same settings but different things happ




  1. Lucid dreaming is when you take control of your dream. In your case it does sound about like 78 percent is lucid.

  2. sounds like lucid dreaming to me. that's pretty cool!

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