
Is this man as bad as Obama supporters or not??

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If this is the type of mail this website posts then I for one would not want to be associated with them, Support for Hillary is one thing, but badgering the members is uncalled for. I think this man must be an idiot.

Good Afternoon: I am madder than h**l at Obama, but I twice as mad most of you. Out of 70,000 + member, we have had about 80 donate almost $5000.00 to the Chicago Sun Times ad. I have one question to ask all of you who have not donated to this cause. Why?

I want to share a email I received form a lady in Kansas. "Ed, I just made a $5 donation to the Chicago ad. I am on Social Security and I barely get enough to get by on. I decided that I would give this $5 and not eat today so that in hopes it will make a better country."

Now how about all you Doctors, Attorneys, College professor, managers, and many others who blow 5 bucks like it was candy. You tell me how you can sit back on your *** and let people like this woman try and make a better country. There is many of




  1. Sassy , Sweetie ; This mundane rambling rant is nothing less than one would expect from a bleeding heart liberal socialist ? See;  in a radical liberal`s mind there is only one way to do anything  and that way is the way of the radical left wing lemming loon liberals , no more , no less ! But this one has ventured outside the radical liberal donkey dung pen , and discovered  that you never kick a pile of "donkey dung" on a hot day ! He also for the 1st time realizes that  he/she and their "kind" are not the only inhabitant`s of the USA ! You can tell he is in disbelief in the fact that 51% of the USA doesn`t agree with him/her on his radical libreral agenda ! He can now go back to studying the radical liberal bible , The NY Crimes , Oops` , I meant Times , and repeat the radical liberal mantra  ; "The truth is manifested in the lies` a liberal will  tell " , thus the lie becomes truth to him when it is void of any objection or the insertion of "facts" on opposing views`!!

  2. The lady sending the $5.00 is just as important as a $5K donor. However, if anyone is really interested in helping this Great Country they would 1st educate themselves of facts and not just someone with virtually NO experience (17 months in public politics)claiming "We can Change" Really now, What is he going to change?? Is he going to change "The Greatest Nation in the World?? Is he going to print more money and just give it to those whom choose NOT to support themselves? The problem here is not what Democrats or Republicans can change, but what the people (through their Representatives) want to change. Every one thinks the President ALONE, can change everything, the Congress and House of Representatives, have the control. Please do not be fooled by a pretty picture!

  3. we all get upset over one e-mail isn't enough to say he is the same as many of the screaming liberals that follow Obama...

    always nosnod


    it sounds like Ed is talking to people who have led him to believe that they too want this add placed and have not held up their end of the deal...the Obama supporters on Q&A seek out non Obama supporters to degrade,blam, name call or to report trying to shut up the opposition...

    always nosnod

  4. I gave 200 dollars.

  5. I too think it was a rude letter, I understand his frustration at the same time. And the ad does need to be sent, but most people don't care to uses their credit card on these types of deals me I have rather send a money order and he needs to give a address where to mail the money.but it's getting rough about Obama , so we have to decide to support Hillary or not. that's our question now, and if she going to lower her self to campaign with Obama then I am taking my name off as I no longer will have any respect for her, as she knows how bad Obama will be for our country.

  6. This woman's love for country forgoes her care for herself.

    This is why our young men and woman do what they do

    around the world. This is the light in the window of America

    that burns the brightest. We should all who have means

    be humbled by this message. May that beacon of light

    never go out, in this fair Lady's heart.

    De Oppresso Liber.

  7. Subject: JOE, AMERICAN



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