
Is this man right about a gobal army?

by Guest59803  |  earlier

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'Former TV presenter David Icke has told Sky News Online he is standing in next month's Haltemprice and Howden by-election to raise awareness of the "global elite" trying to take over the world. He says he wants to warn the public about the shadowy group intent on forming a global army and creating a worldwide DNA database.'

Or is it time to get him to see a good psychiatrist?




  1. David Icke, I read his stuff some years ago, interesting up to a point I found, but the one I have been following for some years now is 'Alex Jones' at Prison, he goes right into the heart of the NWO,  Yes Icke has got it right the Elite are going to take over the world using their vast wealth, and have meetings called the Bilderberg Group, and their agenda is a one world Army, a one world Government, a one world Court, and Eugenics, to bring the population down to two million.  That's why we have the EU and UN etc, which all started after the first world war as the 'League of Nations'.

  2. ask urself why there is so many problems in the world....the global elite cause this to further there one world government. the men who own the central banks there the ones that own the world. WW1 WW2 both sides funded by the same source. the war on terror is another scam. global warming is another. they control the media companys you get to see what they want you to see. all this sounds crazy but its all true ive spent hours and hours researching this ill put my life on it that its real. there is an illuminati and they want a one world government sounds good right? not the way they want it

    heres a quote from  Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

    "Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws" (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1743-1812)

  3. He is a publicity seeker

  4. He is crazy he needs more than a psychiatrist.

  5. It's not time for a good psychiatrist... that happened bloody years ago. He is a certified wingnut.

    Anyone else remember him on a chat show wearing a lilac tracksuit and claiming aliens were taking over the world?

  6. Isn't that the same chap who claimed he was the 2nd coming of Christ.  He needs some help...

  7. David Icke is officially as mad a a box of frogs.

    He also believes that the world is controlled by reptiles in human form, so I really wouldn't take his word for much.

  8. Nutty as a fruit cake.

  9. Are you talking about a Gobel army, where everyone has a flat-top like the late founder/general George Gobel?

  10. David Icke is barking mad, he used to dress in purple and declare himself the messiah. He has now started spouting rubbish about giant lizards taking over the world.

    He used to get really angry because local kids and scooter riding mods travelling to festivals on the Isle of Wight would knock on his door and pelt him with eggs when he answered.

    Icke is indeed a mentalist and needs help.

  11. not a clue.

  12. Yeah, I think it's time for this man to go see a psychiatrist because he's speaking about things that really aren't occurring.

  13. He's partly right - except that the same global force controls all the worlds' armies already. All wars are fought for the same reason: simply to distract people from the truth and make then question what they believe.

    We need more than David Icke to stop the rot, however. But on the other hand, what would the world be like if there was no-one controlling it?

    Maybe we should ban armies altogether - if no-one had one, no-one would need one, eh?

    Then we could ban countries, too!

  14. What global army?

    Decode this lyrics " The Rose"

    What is out there is the Magnificent Seven.

    Those Freedom Fighters.

    From Team Allied Forces.

    From world war two.

    With " King of Kings"

    Tthe ROSE.

    With a purpose.

    For the good of mankind.

    In making this world a better place to live.

    In the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  15. The question is what happens when you connect the dots.  If government were transparent as it is supposed to be there would be no need to connect dots.

    I do know in the US they just passed a 'pilot program' to create a newborn DNA database without any indication in the bill that parents would be told, much less have any say in the issue.  Also, our government just entered into an agreement with Canada for 'joint defense' at a level which would let their army come into our country and vice versa.  Since our own government is prohibited from using the army against our citizens (the governors need to call out the state National Guard as necessary) this is rather inexplicable and occured beneath the radar of Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears revelations.

    What does it mean?  Is there even a master plan or are our governments just growing increasingly innured to the idea of civil liberties and rights of the individual?


  16. Who know's he'll be labelled mad but in the future it's going to happen, whether we like it or not. Personally, I couldn't give a hoot. I've nothing to hide, I'm not a's better than being controlled by the 'Oil Cartels' like today!

  17. Unfortunately, he's right (look it up on the net and you'll find out).

    And the point of a global army is not to fight wars... but to fight DISSENTERS who don't wish to be controlled by the Orwellian global super-state.

    Sounds amazing but true.

  18. The worldwide database i believe was being built under DARPA (creator of the internet) and the project was taken over by with the new satellite going to space next year, it will track EVERYTHING and it will be linked to the global information grid (which will track DNA in addition to many other things).  This G.I.G. will be powerful in iteself and will be the future of warfare, tracking people, communications etc. Look at the government website below and then do a google search to see the capabilites of this grid

    Many say it is the Bilderberg group, however some say they are even people behind them

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