
Is this married lady just jealous or simply insecure?

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A few weeks back I met this lady on Myspace with just the intention of being friends and sharing information about our lives.

I am very good friends with a girl I plan to have something more with than just a friendship and when I said this to this lady she put a dampener on things saying "It wont work out, you only know her side of the story." as time progressed this lady said how she would cyber with me to the point where I would be frustrated enough to go and meet someone else which shocked me seeing shes married.

I wasnt comfortable about this at all so I quickly declined her offer, she upped things by taking pictures of herself and these pictures made me lose respect for her very fast indeed, I now steer clear from her because of this.

When we were talking she made comments about me talking to the younger girls i.e. the girls around my age group as opposed to ten years old which this lady is.

I know if it were up to her I wouldnt be friends with this girl I really like, whom I mentioned near the start of my question and the disagreements we've had have been quite bad with what shes said its almost like she would not want anyone else to have me exept her.

Not going to happen, I dont respect her, not just because the fact shes married but because of the pictures she took of herself.




  1. so, you haven't met this woman, you don't know her and you are talking to her on line and taking her advice and concerned about what she's thinking?  i'm not sure what you're asking here or why you care?  if she's married she shouldn't be talking to you on line.  she should be with her husband.

    be careful who you talk to and what you say to them.

  2. She sounds very insecure and jealous, by talking bad about a girl you like and she doesnt even know her. She sounds like she could be a drama queen and controlling, and sounds like she likes to start c**p. I would tell her dont talk to me anymore, because you dont need some married, disrespectful woman making your life misrable. Shes nothing but trouble.

  3. yes, this married lady seems highly manipulative and dramatic. she should worry less about your romantic life and focus on normal topical issues that new friends discuss.

  4. Block her. She sounds like a psycho b**ch. And a married one at that.

  5. If you a minor, then tell your parents and show them the pictures so they can involve the cops, or go straight to the cops yourself.

  6. Send your pictures to her.  She'll probably disrespect you because of the pictures you took of yourself.

    If you find her a turn-off after seeing her pictures, all you have to do is change your account/email.  Pointless to badmouthed her over here.

  7. Jealousy comes from insecurity.

    But this dear old bat is using stalking techniques, she's past the lower levels of that emotion. Imagine how many other guys she's in contact with, but gawd only knows what for. She talks not only like she knows you as a friend, but tries to persuade, influence you to do something against your will. Maybe she and her old man are trying to reel some blokes in.


    Scary internet . . .

  8. You sound alot like a Myspace friend I had in a similar situation.

    The lady is married and she is cybering with you for one. This should be a very clear indication of her character. Instead of choosing to work things out with her husband, she'd rather use that time to cheat on him. This is not someone who is a suitable friend or romantic interest for you. That person being cheated on could be you next time after all.

    Secondly, people who take nude pics of themselves and just show them to people they don't really know aren't really respectable, as you have already pointed out.

    So, the point is really moot now. Because if you read your question from the outside perspective, you would see she is bad news and you shouldn't waste any time on her. For instance, if I told you right now, I had a similar situation with a guy- would you tell me what a louse he was and tell me to drop him?

    Sometimes we need to adhere to our own advice...

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