
Is this mental/weird? We dated and now he only wants to be friends and suggests places I like? ?

by  |  earlier

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This guy who I have been dating for the last month (rather intensely, I should add and we were somewhat intimate) broke up with me last week - left me quite confused and devastated. He was really into me - I mean, telling his parents, introducing me to his friends, treating me so well. But due to some events I can't figure out, he says he doesn't "feel it" and isn't on the chase anymore.

But I don't get it - when we broke up, he asked for us to be friends - and even specifically suggested for us to do daytime things that *I* like.. (like art museums, so forth) and coming up to my city. I live 2 hrs away. His voice/tone has completely changed but I don't understand what's going on in his head.

What's the deal guys? I seriously don't understand. Please explain. Thank you.




  1. It's probably just as well that you find this out now.

    You will not waste your time with him.  He is being honest with you.

    Now you can move on to meeting other potential people who could turn into a steady relationship.  

    Also maybe things were moving too fast for him.  It could be that he just needs to go at a  slower pace.  You can descide.  Best Wishes.

  2. The answer is this guy is a waste of space .... he doesn't know what he wants, and he doesn't care about using people to 'test it out' to find out what he thinks he wants .... that's what you've been to him... a bit like a buffet - you take a bit, taste it and if you like you'll eat some more, when you're bored with that you try the next dish.....(I had the same thing in my last 13-year relationship - he treated me the same!) .... The problem is his, not yours, and all the niceties about being friends and meeting up - all of that is rubbish - that's so he can tell himself he's a nice guy really, even though he knows himself he's a bum's just for him to make himself feel better about being such a kite.... Clock him up to experience, recognise the next one that comes along and stay clear..... let someone else be his 'dish for the day' - cos that's all they'll be ..... he wouldn't understand honesty, loyalty and commitment if it jumped up and smacked him between the eyes ....

  3. He's just fickle.  He's just like every young guy who doesn't know what he wants.  You guys were only together for one month.  You said you were pretty intimate.  He probably left because he felt that you guys were too serious and got scared and backed off.  It happens a lot.  He's not mentally ill, just immature.

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