
Is this mischievious or destructive behavior?

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A 7 yr old intentionally pouring water on the keyboard and thereby making it unusable.

What would you classify this behavior as.. innocent mischief or revengeful destruction?

The 7 yr old knows that he is not supposed to pour water on electronic & electrical stuff. He did it to seek revenge on his mom cuz she asked him to do a chore. He has ADHD and perhaps ODD (unable to respect authority)

Is this a sign of more weird behavior to expect as the kid gets older?




  1. That's destructive behavior. Tell your son right and wrong. Tell him what he did was wrong.

  2. apparently this kid hasnt been taught right from wrong, add or not, there is no such thing as "unable" to  respect authority if it is done right, some are just more difficult then others. iof that were the case mass murderers could just say, oh oops, not my fault, i just have a problem with authority, BULL. better get some discipline implemented here pretty quick or youll regret it later. and it doesnt have to be spanking, it just has to be something consistent that works for you and him...consistency is always the key

  3. Regardless of the ADHD and ODD the child knows right from wrong. This behavior is unacceptable and very destructive so there needs to be a consequence. If there isn't a consequence the child is smart enough to realize he can use the ADHD and ODD as an excuse to misbehave.

    As far as it being a sign I don't know. Every kid does mischevious and destructive things a time or two, so probably yes. But you need to get it as much under control as possible and send the message to your child that for every action he takes there is a consequence.

  4. Destructive! He knows better and he is doing to break it and make you mad. He should have to do EXTRA chores around the house so he can make the money and buy a new one. He should also not be allowed to play out side or with friends until it is paid off. Just because a child has ADHD doesn't give him the right to misbehave. When a child has ADHD it makes it harder for them to sit still, learn, and concentrate. They can still be disciplined like any other kid when they miss behave. You should teach him young that ADHD is not an excuse to get away with things.

  5. As a medical professional and a mom of 2 (now grown) ADHD children this is simply a fit or if you will a tantrum.  Children only do what we as adults allow them to do.  If the parent allow a child to get away with bad behavior then that is what they will do.  There is NO excuse for bad behavior, a child has to know their limits and boundaries.  They also have to know that there are consequences for their actions.  As parents it is our job to establish that our children can not try and blame bad behavior on anything or anyone.  If a child chooses to misbehave he/she must then accecpt the consequences of that behavior.  As a society most parents are all too willing to let their child get away with bad behavior by blaming it on something or someone else.  If you let your child know in very matter of fact terms that the bad behavior will not be tolerated at all at any time or for any reason then you will have peace and a happier child too. It may take some time for the child to realize that you will not accecpt bad behavior and you may have to repeat the process a few times but the child will eventually get the message

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