
Is this morally wrong?

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My brother and his girlfriend are going to have a baby in late March. I have a huge problem about it though. They both use drugs and I think that it is horrible. I want to confront them and tell them to either give up their baby to me or to quit the drugs because I don't want Social Services taking my niece or nephew. What should I do?




  1. Any child in need of help is your business.  First think about what your going to do for the child.  Then worry about the rest later.  Nobody should be allowed to subject their child whether in the womb or out to drugs.  That child has a right not to have to deal with parents on drugs now or in the future.  You need to contact someone now and the ball rolling for the sake of the unborn baby.  Being together four months is not long enough to decide to have a child together anyway especially not if you don't have a clear head.  Do everything you can to protect that baby if that is your true intent.

  2. That little baby needs rescuing, and you're the man for the job.  Turn them in to the authorities and apply for custody of the child.

    TX Mom

  3. I definitely think you should talk to them, and if they blow you off... then find a way to take that baby from them...

  4. give the baby up for them

  5. if she is using drugs while she is pregnant then she deserves to be punched in the face 500 times by 5 300lb pro wrestlers. how irresponsible and just plain STUPID can you be?! i'm 15 and i know that that's the worst thing in the world. she is going to kill her child because of her own selfishness and stupidity. has she ever seen a ''crack baby''? has she ever seen how much pain and suffering the child goes through when a baby is born addicted to drugs. i have. and i've gotta say, it was the most traumatic experience of my life. its so heartbreaking to see children born like that because their parents had no right being parents. i think you should speak up. you should definitely speak up. its a child's safety you're dealing with, here. your niece or nephew might not even live long enough for the parents to get caught and have their baby taken away. this is a child's life on the line. make the right choice.

  6. Go ahead and tell them.  Tell them that social services will take the baby the second it is born if the mother is high.  They probably won't stop, but maybe you will get the baby.

  7. I think you say something this is your relative to so speak what you feel. A relative of mine had 5 before someone step in the youngest of her kids my mom had since he was 1 month now he's 7 and she was only babysitting. So step in while you  can.

  8. do exactly what you said you thought u should.   drugs are a terrible thing,  the baby deserves more.

  9. Mind your own business!

  10. why should they give you the baby? late march is a long time away. get them help to get clean and help them to be good parents, instead of trying to take their baby.

  11. i think you should try to ease them off the drugs first, but if they violently refuse, you could threaten to take away the baby as they may not be able to cope with it while on drugs, and it may scare them into stopping. if they are violent people anyway then you should do something about that as well because they may beat the baby, but i'm not saying they are violent, please don't get me wrong. i think you shouldnt take the baby unless there is a VERY good reason to, because a baby should deserve to grow up with their rightful parents.

    Hope it helps

  12. Well understand that it is not a guarantee that they will take the baby because of drug usage. They will have CPS called and they will evaluate the situation based on the situation as it stands then and in the future. However, I think it is a really good idea if you think they would be receptive to doing, to ask them if they would consider giving the baby to you, until they got themselves together. You could do it all legal like with visitation and what not through the courts.

    However, you must also understand that if they dont give you the baby all you can do is be there for your niece or nephew as much as possible and try to help when asked.

    It is extremely difficult to get a child taken from their parents without actual physical or severe emotional abuse - as sad as that is - it can be a very harsh reality.

    Best of Luck

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