
Is this more of Obama change we can look forward to?

by Guest60182  |  earlier

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ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention

Eslocker and his ABC News colleagues are spending the week investigating the role of corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors at the convention for a series of Money Trail reports on ABC's "World News with Charles Gibson."




  1. I think Obama has too much hope for change.  People are hopeful but they won't ever change because people don't like changing lives usually that they currently live.  I think his change idea is going to lead us to disaster as a nation and WWIII

  2. Nothing to do with Obama.  People have been arrested at Bush rallies just for wearing t-shirts not approved of by Bush.........

  3. Ah, but a big different, Taking pictures i'm sure runs under the freedom of the press or one of the other "freedoms" we as American's enjoy. Taking someone away for wearing in appropriate clothing has always been done. NO shirt, NO shoe's, NO service has been in front of stores for some time.

    In certain venues you can't wear a Tshirt glorifying anarchy, drugs or controversial things since that Tshirt is passing on a message, and in many cases, to stir up trouble.

    Either way, the 'police' power of the government is many times misused, and people go along with it and defend it based on thier biased sensitivies, but look the other way when their own side does it.

  4. We can look forward to more of the same from either major party. Anyone who wants change needs to think outside the republican/democrat box and vote independent.

  5. The Democrats have a lot to hide; even more then the Republicans.

  6. What happened had nothing to do with Obama.  If you say different then provide some evidence.

  7. Yes,I saw that on the news.  They don't want reporters covering Obama's big donors and lobbyists.  Now they're mentioning the music biz.

    Money Trail: Kanye West Proves Huge Boost for Media Lobbyists

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