
Is this mother babying her children for too long?

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Her two year old still has a dummy. When she wants to talk she takes the dummy out, speaks and then put it back in. Her four year old still drinks milk out of a bottle in public.




  1. to each there own. I think it is none of our business

  2. Too long for both.

    My 6 month old uses a cup and has for months.

    No one should use a bottle past age 2 (and even that's a little old IMHO).

    I think pacifiers are good for when they are very small and need to suck to soothe.

    They should be taken away before they're old enough to miss it and put up a whiny fight!

  3. Yes. Plus it very bad for children to have the dummy for so long. Ruins their teeth.

  4. Dummy? I'm gonna take that as a pacifier?? Well if thats the case her children aren't being babied, they are being neglected, and will probably have some delays down the line, developmentally and socially...sounds like the mother doesnt take the time to introduce the children to new things, which they need to thrive in this world. Perhaps you could print up some good material for her so that she can read the good effects of weaning a child from those things.

  5. It is time to break the pacifier and bottle habit.  It will be hard, but for heaven's sake the four year old is nearing age to start kindergarten and how embarrassing would it be for him/her to still have a bottle in school.

  6. I say yes to both!  The bottle and pacifier both should have been taken away from both of them when they turned a year old.  Bad parenting!  Or could just be laziness!

  7. I hate to judge, but this is where I always have to bite my tongue. 4 yrs old is FAR too old for a bottle and that dummy should have been tossed a year ago. She needs to have those childrem toss the baby items but offer a replacement item, such as a really cool water bottle or cup. Whenever you take something away from a child that they are too old for you should offer something more their age in return.

  8. No on the two year old--well, I guess I actually think it depends on whether it's an "almost-three" two or a "just turned" two.

    Yes on the four year old.

  9. well there are many factors to why they might have these attachments... my friends sister is 5 and just gave up the bottle, she was moved around so much and mom and dad did drugs then dad just left and the bottle was her only constant thing in her life

    im not saying its that bad but any stress may trigger dependancy, otherwise yes they should give it up

  10. As for the four year old on the bottle, I'd have to think yes. It's time to wean. But as for the two year old on the pacifier, it might not be time to wean yet. Kids need time to grow out of things. Trust me, this kid will not be in school sucking on a dummy. Also when they're about three and understand bribery *^_^* it can work wonders. Bribery with toys, or maybe comfort items like a pretty stuffed animal, could convince her. Pacifiers are all about making a child feel better. Maybe hugging a stuffed animal could take the place of that for a time. A rule of thumb should be replacing one habit with a better habit. That way the kid isn't traumatized. Speaking of trauma and drama and such, something may have happened in those kids lives that caused them to hold on to the dummy and the bottle. You just never know. Sometimes it's better not to rush.  

  11. Pacifier use actually does not do damage to teeth.  See source below.

    I used a pacifier with my daughter to get her thru a colic period of about two weeks and then took it away...I just don't like them...and she didn't fight it at all, though.  But they say most kids out grown them at the latest by 3 or 4.

    4 years old for a bottle is terrible!!!  But as soon as my daughter "asked" for her bottle (ba-ba) I basically took it away.  I figured if she was old enough to ask for it...  

    So I put her on the sippy cup at that time and she transitioned very well.  Had no problems at all.  He definitely needs to put the bottle down!!

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