
Is this my fault? for having bad credit? Anything I can do?

by  |  earlier

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A few years ago I was working for a very large corporation, I was receiving direct deposit and I had quit my job. They accidently deposited an extra paycheck into my account. I did not realize that this was an extra check since it took me 1 month to receive my first paycheck, they told me when I was to leave this job I would then receive my first paycheck. So when I saw the extra money in my account I thought nothing of it. 5 months later I have collection agency trying to get the companies money back. I had no idea what they were talking about, and not enough money to give this back, nor did I feel it was my responsibility to give it back. This has been killing my credit. It was only 600.00 but I'm not loaded w/money I can't just be throwing around that kind of cash. Is there anything I can do? Or is there anyone that wants to help me fight this?




  1. Even though it was their mistake, you shouldn't spend the extra money.. You should of waited till at least 1 month to see if the extra money is really yours or not.. I know you don't want to her this but you will have to find a way to pay back or they can sue you...

  2. You need to pay the money back because it's not earned income.

  3. I would want to see proof from the courts.  Whom you should go to first to solve such a problem.  Credit bureaus are for your benefit also.  I would contact them...

  4. While was their mistake, It is not your money...Work out a deal to pay it in little payments.

  5. I would send this collection agency a demand to validate letter. I would not admit to being overpaid and make them prove their claims.

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