
Is this my first period?? GIRLS ONLY??

by  |  earlier

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im turning 13 in one week. im oober skinney im bout 5 feet 0 weigh about 85 pounds i have had discharge forover a year now. lots of armpit and pubic hair. and to day i had a major headache. then i felt light headed and dizzy. then i noticed a little like brownish like thing and NO it is definetly NOT p**p but it didnt smell like all my other discharges i didnt have cramps either so is this my period..???





  1. Well, it sounds like it.

    But when I started my period, there was a LOT of blood. All over. Seriously, waaaay more blood than you will ever expect.

    Like, everytime I wiped, it would be full of blood.

  2. yes its very possible

  3. i really think it is

    when i got my 1st i was really scared but then my mom told me its perfectly normally

    same with me i had that yucky discharge for about a year or so and like sometime in july it happened which is funny cuz my best friend for 6 years started a week before mine srry random n e ways

    I was dizzy tired achy sometimes but i really never got cramps until my 2nd or 3rd period

    so tell ur mom or older female and ask for help


  4. yuuuup, thats what it sounds like..=]

    make sure ya tlk with ur mom..nd go see the doc.

    u shuld be fine. xD.

  5. could be is it still showing up after you put on a clean pair of underwear, if it is then it probably is you first period...i remember my first and i remember it being really brown looking and i wasn't sure either, but it will get lighter (reder) as you get older andstart having more and the cramps will come with time too

  6. Could possibly be. you should get some thin pads just in case and use those for a couple days just in case. I had a few things like that before my first real period but they were random and didn't last more than a day. keep a couple pads handy though just in case.

  7. yup, it is your period

  8. Nobody can truthfully answer this question for you, but from what it sounds like, yes, it is most likely your first period. I'm not sure how old I was when I had my first, but I was in the fifth grade and all I saw was brown in my undies... I didn't think it was my period; I didn't know what was going on. Finally I told my mom and showed her my undies and she bought me some pads. If it was a brownish smudge, then it is most likely old blood coming out, but if it was a "thing" then it may have been a blood clot, which is also completely normal. The best thing to do is to ask your mom (or close female relative) and they can give you all the information you need. Good luck!

  9. If the brownish stuff seems like discharge, then yes it probably is thinking about starting. Many girls have it real light the first time. My first wasn't much at all. Brown is just old blood that has had time to dry a bit. Mine starts and ends like that.

  10. Yes it probably is. That's what happened to me, except I had horrible cramps as well. I thought I was dying! lol

  11. Yep thats a period.I got mine at 12 and i cried like heck

  12. yeah thats exactly what happened to me except i'm alot bigger than 85 pounds lol

  13. Yes very possible. Expect a lot more changes. Congrats.

  14. yes that is what it sounds like!~  

  15. you are going through puberty darling. the hair and all.

    yes, u are having period. congratulations! dizzy is normal. not to worry k. some people are blessed without menstrual cramps which i dreaded the most. u are just lucky.


  16. yeppers :D

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