
Is this my heart or just all in my head ?

by Guest63239  |  earlier

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I went to the doctor for sting in my arm and in chest he said its just anxiety causing it and from me on pc why my arm hurting now both arms are stinging it was just my left and im 16 he said im to young for it to be my heart would could it be




  1. I think its most likely the doctor is right but he is wrong with one thing and that you are to young for your heart to have problems it is very rare but can still happen to 16 year olds.

    If you feel you dont belive the doctor seek advice from another doctor then

  2. I am 27 years old and I have anxiety. I am often convinced I have heart problems. I get panic attacks, which makes my heart race, I get chest pains, and I even get arm pain. For me, it is in my head. It's amazing how your body can play tricks on you. I recently had an EKG, which was normal. If this worry doesn't subside, I would see a therapist and try to get your anxiety sorted out. I was the same way when I was 16. Anxiety medication does help a bit. Good luck!

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