
Is this my imagination running away with me? Am i actually ill?

by  |  earlier

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My fertile week was this week... Yet i have had no EWCM, i have a tender to the touch cervix, abdominal cramping and very sensitive nipples.. I am also absolutely sh*gged by 8pm - and this is without doing much, the occasional running around after the husband an three kids..

I very much doubt i am pregnant but i just wondered if anyone else feels like this when they ovulate?? I dont normally have any symptoms, other than the few minutes of cramping (possibly when the egg is released), so i am not sure whether or not my symptoms are normal??




  1. Hmmm it does sound a bit like you could be pregnant, but if this is Ov week, that's unlikely. More probable that you've got a bug or slight flu. Can you take a day off, sleep all day or whenever you want to, and knock the illness on the head, as it were? Feel well soon!

  2. When I was trying to conceive, I knew every detail of my body sensations.  Now that I am not doing that, I am not sure when I ovulate.  I have a funny tight feeling from time to time in my uterus, but I do not believe there is a relationship with ovulation to that.  Before my period, I feel very bloated, emotional, headaches.

    I hope you are not ill...maybe just tired...

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