
Is this my period? I have no clue what my body is doing?

by  |  earlier

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I had a baby 5 months ago and had the Mirena IUD put in when my baby was 8 weeks. Of course I spotted for a week or so and then it stopped. Well, I have been nursing, so I hadn't gotten a period yet. I have kind of tapered off the nursing for various reasons...really not

much milk left due to working full time and not having enough time at work to pump correctly. Anyways three days ago, I started to spot ago and has lasted 3 days so far. It doesn't seem to be enough blood for a period, but i was crampy and it is consistent throughout the day. I really only need thin pantyliners. Has any other woman out there who has had Mirena experience this? Do you think this is my period coming back or just basic spotting from the IUD? I would've called my doc, but I'm really not all that worried because I'm in no pain, feel fine, etc. I guess I'm too lazy to




  1. I don't have an IUD, but I do have a five  month old (well, he is almost 6 months old now!) that I have also recently stopped nursing.  My period was exactly like this the first month.  I think it may just be your body trying to get back to normal after nursing.  Hope this helps!

  2. The mirena IUD while it most often will stop periods in most woman because of the hormones, it doesn't happen for all. Since you said you recently stopped nursing then that would sound like to me your period. It may be light for a couple of months as it takes awhile for your body to get back to a normal cycle. It could also be the hormone is working and you will only experience light spotting periods.

  3. I had my IUD put in about a year ago and I spotted for a few weeks after that... but nothing since.

    But a few days ago I started spotting a little.  Just enough to ruin my good underwear, but not enough to use a tampon or pad :(  I am still nursing, but my period had returned before I got the IUD put in (I've got one of those bodies that doesn't listen to the "if you BF, you won't get your period" rule :(  - I got my period back at 6 weeks PP with both kids)...  I assume it's just spotting because it's not heavy by any means and there are no clots.  Sounds like you're in the same boat.

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