ok i've been renting an apartment for about a year now, and its time to sign the new lease, but i have a few issues with my landlord. first of all he never does anything that is his responsibility around my place and doesnt keep any promises. my main concern is my carpet, it its rather disgusting and frayed and the tack strips are hanging out all over the place,not to mention you cant walk on it without socks or shoes on and when you do your feet become pitch black on the bottom and they itch. gross, i know, he said he would have new carpet in by the spring and its almost the end of winter, now its time to resign the lease and when i mention the carpet again he said he doesnt have the money and maybe if i paid my rent at the begginning of the month instead of the end he would be able to get me the new carpet. as if it was my fault when the carpet was this way before i moved in. isnt there some health hazards in this carpet being the way that it is and by law isnt he responsible for removing and replacing it? or at least responsible for getting it cleaned? mind you i am 22 years old and the downstairs apartment has new carpets and walls considering the tenant downstairs is old friends with the lanadlord and i believe because of my age and inexperience with renting his is trying to pull a fast one and try to take advantage of me?