
Is this name good for a girl?

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I reallyyyyyy like the name reagan but not the way it is spelled

so i like spelling it Raegynn.

is that weird?

how would you spell it?

would you rather give that name to a boy or girl?

best answer always (:




  1. It's Unique... but uhh I don't really like it that much


    Best answer.

    Haha I don't think the spelling looks ridiculous,

  2. a girl and i like the way you like of spelling it.  

  3. I have a niece named Regan. Yes, your spelling is weird.  It is considered a univeral name, male or female.

  4. I like the spelling Raegan better for a girl....I love the name....Very pretty!!!!

  5. Reagan is a very pretty.

    but it looks weird spelled like that.

    what about the name Keri?


  6. just know that you and she when she gets old enough are going to be constanly asked if it's a celtic name, and then want to know where you got the spelling. why dont you buy a celtic or irish name book and spell it right? it's good for a boy or a girl

  7. i prefer Raegan

  8. Yes, it is weird.

    I wouldn't spell it anyway, but if someone held a gun to my head, I'd spell it Reagan.

    I'd give it to neither, but if that gun was still to my head, I'd reluctantly give it to a girl - only because I've only met girl Reagans.  

  9. It is a good girls name but I don't like the way you changed the spelling.  Leave it the way it is.

  10. Reagan

    For a girl

    Your spelling is awful



  11. Spell it right....Raegynn looks ridiculous

  12. Yes it's weird please just spell it Reagan and I think it's a horrible name for either gender

  13. Reagan seems like a fine name for a girl, why do you want to spell it so goofy? Yes that spelling is weird!

  14. a girl..and its super cute!

  15. aha a girl at my school is named reagan,

    shes african-american,

    so they spell it backwards [nagaer]

    because they think it looks like .. n   i gger ..

    i dont think its funny. just telling you the story haha

    but yeah , girls name for sure

  16. Reagan is better for a girl. It depends on how you pronounce it.

  17. i like it like reagan i think it looks to long with the two n's. i really think that it is a really pretty name for girl

  18. I prefer Reagen and i think its a cute name for a girl!! P.S. EVERYONE is going to have an opinion about which name you choose. Make sure you listen to yourself first and foremost or it will make choosing a name difficult. There will always be someone who doesnt like the name ie "i had a friend in school named that who was horrible!" "So and Sos daughter was named that and she uses drugs now" LOL im serious...i got so many opinions i finally stopped asking and went with the name I liked the most...

  19. I prefer Reagan for a girl.

    as far as respelling goes...Raegynn looks funny. maybe Raigin or Raygyn.

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