
Is this name too far out there?

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ocean doe a girl as a middle or first name?




  1. not to be mean but those name are HORRORABLE!!!

    but i know ur style how about skyler!!! a great girl name uncommon

    or tammy!!

  2. Ocean is a remarkably unmusical sounding word, considering all the art and poetry it has inspired.  It sounds rather abrupt.  It could work if you had a really long last name with a lot of vowels like Ocean Appiarius.  Unfortunately Ocean is frequently used in conjunction with other words as a brand name, Ocean Spray, Ocean Tide, Ocean Mist  and people will probably think of those as soon as they hear her name.  Even though it isn't over used as a human name all those brand names give Ocean a rather common feel.  You may recall that the first child born on the Mayflower was named Oceanus Hopkins .   I've always like that.  You could feminize it to Oceana.  That would work nicely with a lot of last and middle names but probably not Appiarius.

  3. Wow............ terrible!

  4. ocean is okay but not doe

    maybe ocean as the middle name would be better for the child when they go through school

  5. #1Jadden Hope or olivai nicole or clarissa patrice 1 is my fav

  6. Personally, I think Ocean is a beautiful name, but you should also consider your baby's feelings about it - would you be willing to watch her go through years of possible ridicule from kids on the playground, and people asking her constantly about her name? However, people are starting to name their children more creative things these days, so there might not be as much resistance as there used to be.

    My name is Cattie-Bree Skye (and I grew up in the 90s, when everyone was named Brittany and Ashley and Jennifer) and people constantly asked if my mom was a hippie, lol. I hated it when I was younger, but now I love it; I think it's pretty and different. My advice would just be, if you choose to name her Ocean, be prepared for a little bit of surprise and possible teasing from other folks. But if you can handle it, and you're willing to help her handle it, then I think it's a really pretty name. :)

  7. I guess it would be fine for a middle name, they don't really matter so much, way too hippy-ish for a first name though.

  8. yes

  9. Ocean is a beautiful name, I can imagine the baby having aqua blue eyes and fair blonde hair. I suggest choosing a name that suits the baby's physical appearance or your interests.

    My name is 'Lochsley', and it was derived from 'Robin of Locksley' (Robin Hood). My mother is an English teacher, and she wanted me to grow up with kind morals and care for others (much like those in Robin Hood). She changed the 'ck' to 'ch' as she liked that in Lachlan. I love my name, and I believe it shows a lot of history behind myself.

    I'm not too keen on 'Doe', as it doesn't work with 'Ocean' very well.

  10. I'm sorry im not a big fan of this name as the child will be ridiculed for her name. But if u like it go for it is after all your child. Congratulations

  11. It is uncommon, but I wouldn't say it is too far out there.  Especially not if there is a reason.

    I saw a baby named La-a (pronounced "ladasha").  Since then, nothing seems too far out there anymore.

  12. A little. I don't think I would name my baby Ocean. Try looking in a baby name book for more inspiration. Also keep in mind your little girl will have this name for life. You want to chose a name that will grace her not give her grief. Ocean is not as far out as some names I've heard though!

  13. ocean is really really pretty but doe just reminds me of a deer she might get made fun of in school for that.

  14. Ocean as a first or middle is so stupid

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