
Is this news story TRUE?

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Ewwwyy. I just find it hard to believe how inhumane some people are. And to think that the murderer acted just like any other normal person. Then BAM!


What do you think of this story?




  1. That is so disgraceful! And he was only 18! Far too young for a kid to die. Some people have serious issues. My prayers go out to the family and also the killer... what a sad story.

  2. Sadly, it is true.  You have to wonder sometimes.  I think it will come out that the guy got mad because the kid was playing music on his headphones.  Glad that the creep was taken into custody.

  3. Yeah this is horrible. I've been feeling eerie and uncomfortable all night because of this. I mean when I hear about stabbings and stuff it's sort of normal for me (living Toronto it's not unusual to hear about a stabbing every week) but to hear about someone actually being decapitated, I can't even think about it. It makes me sick. It's truly scary. I give credit to the bus driver and whom ever else took place in keeping the suspect in the bus. My heart goes out to the victim and his family. I think this is the most eerie I've ever felt upon hearing about a murder. I'm like crying because it's just so horrific. I don't even know what to say.  

  4. I've always said the human mind is the result of a freak accident of nature that was never meant to be.

    A lot of people are walking around with way too many demons in their heads and any kind of chemical inbalance in their brains can make them hurt or kill someone.

    And those are just the "crazy" ones. Look at all the wars and mafia killings and torture and crimes of passion and honour around the world that has gone on for tens of thousands of years on a daily basis.

    There's definitely something wrong with the human species.

    We're all lucky to have been born but that's it. After that we're all on our own and at the mercy of a savage and unpredicatble world.  

  5. Yep, it's true.  Latest info is that the killer has severe mental issues; paranoid schizophrenia was mentioned,  I don't know if that has been confirmed.

    It is frightening to be confronted with the realization that, at times, people are able to do truly horrendous things.  But, when you study cultures and their various practises you begin to see that as capable as were are of horrible acts we are just as capable of being incredibly resourceful and compassionate.

    I just wish the media exposed the kind and loving side of human nature as opposed to exploiting our most depraved acts, but I guess kind and loving doesn't sell newspapers or make for exciting tv...sad, huh?

  6. OMG!! tat victim was juz a boy!!i use to travel a lot by bus alone n sleep in the bus wit headphones in my ears...:-s

    i hope tat villain was not some terminator robots from the future

  7. Expect an increasing rate of random violence all over the world in the near future.

  8. not sure what happened. people are weird.

  9. Yes, it's true. I heard people on the radio talking about it today.

    There are A LOT of sick f*cks out there and what's scary is that they look just like anybody else!!

  10. that is horrible i cant believe people are like that

  11. True? Yes.

    What do I think? Awful.

    Do I win?

    Edit: Wow, 4 thumbs-down? It amazes me that so many people don't think this is awful. I guess that's just where our society is, eh?

  12. Ted Bundy was said to be very nice and polite.

    It is most likely true.

  13. some people are very sneaky.

  14. i think we all expect to able to recognize a dangerous person, a potential murderer.

    and it is a false belief.   most murderers look pretty much like everybody else, and most act pretty much like everybody else.

  15. bus man who went crazy, i know its so shocking, just goes to show, where an you be safe these days? I reckon they should give an award to the driver for his actions as well as other passesngers for helping to trap the guy !!!!!

  16. gross

  17. bizarre

  18. I have heard of worse stories.. That is bad and gruesome, but what about the movie ellen page was in. An American Crime. The mother had tons of kids but picked one that she was a guardian for as a friend (this took place in the 60s) They beat her every day burned her raped her for a really long time and then eventually killed her. Its based on a true story. The movie is great but honestly when you find out its true... Its sick. The mother carves IM A PROSTITUTE AND LOVE IT on her stomach... Said she "went to juvie" its terrible!

  19. That's put me off using a bus full stop.

  20. probably...

  21. yea i finally

    caught the admin of yahoo answers

    but the cops let me go

    becuz it turned out that the admin

    has been brain dead o_O

  22. This truly makes me sick to my stomach. It's so sad, that 18-year-old kid didn't even see it coming. Ughghg.


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