
Is this normal, how can I stop?

by Guest21570  |  earlier

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Today I woke up feeling completely hopeless. This happens to me probably 5 times every month, at different times. It gets the the point where I don't even know why I'm alive - I feel useless. I am not doing anything. I lie, I use drugs, I don't have any real friends, I waste what money I earn, so I can't afford a car or to go to college. How do I fix this!

When I do not feel this way, I'm a healthy well adjusted girl. I work every day, hang out with people, and pay my bills to the best of my ability, even though im extremely irresponsible.




  1. get over yourself and get a life. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and do something

  2. Quit doing drugs, dumb ***!

  3. I have this too sometimes, not only when I wake up in the morning.  What you have to do is realize that you're important in the world around you.  The first thing that you might want to do is stop using drugs.  I know that's a big thing to start of with, but as soon as that problem's gone, you'll feel a lot better, and you can move on to the next stage of your life (maybe a new car, and go to college!)  Don't stop the drugs by yourself, get someone to help you (maybe a doctor), even if it costs money; otherwise it's gonna be gone in no time again anyway.  I hope this helps, and I believe you can do it!  Good luck!

  4. It really sounds as though you are depressed and possibly have a chemical inbalance.. It can be normal to feel this way for many people, however you should seek professional advice, they have medication to help.. I wish the best for you and please hang in there..Things CAN get better if you want them too, just see a doctor..

  5. Join the crowd, If you spend all your money buying these things you still end up with the same size wooden box.  The world acts like you have to be 100,000 dollars in debt with a mortgage a kid and a spouse.  Alot of those people dont look very happy to me, proud maybe, but not happy F- it enjoy life go by a quarter bag and watch a comedy .  

    just remember theres a time and a place for the weed , dont want to spend your whole life on the couch.

  6. Try contacting a local psychiatrist.

  7. try a counselor!

  8. I think you should go to a psychiatrist about this.  This is important and I think you need to look for help with this somewhere besides the yahoo answer section.  I'm not a doctor of any sort, but it sounds like you could be battling depression.  I battled depression for many years and had the same feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness.  I hope you get help for this

  9. grow up

  10. Basically, you just need to do things that make you happy, try not to worry too much, and just sit some of every paycheck in a drawer or something, its just a matter of will power, dont waste your money on things you dont have to have, the major thing is to stop with the drugs, they are a huge waste of money for something that is absolutely useless, and dont lie, just dont do it, its just a matter of will power, you just need to be stronger than everything you dont want to be, and in the end everything will be fine, the real thing is, its just life, you just gotta do the best you can, and then if you fall down make sure you have some friends and family there to pick you up.

  11. Yea, go to the local psychiatrist or counselor. You probably have some form of depression. Lot's of people hav depression, so you're not alone, bt please look into it. It could get really bad.  

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