
Is this normal? 10 points!?

by  |  earlier

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my best friend is on her period, and she's been throwing that normal? i've never thrown up during mine, so is that normal? help please!




  1. yes i am the same

    my mum was too

    its hormones and ur body changin

    i go dizzy and feel like im gonna pass out and thow up

    but it genetics to ur mum and aunts and female relatives

  2. yeah I think some people just have that as a symptom. I've only actually puked a couple times because of it, but I'm always VERY nautious for the first few days of my period.  

  3. Just a suggestion but maybe the throwing up has nothing to do with her period.  Perhaps she has caught a bug at the same time of her period.  Anyway throwing up during a period is not normal.

  4. Yes, it can be. Many women get nauseous before, and during their period and it can cause them to throw up. Everyone is different.

  5. the contractions of her uterus and cramping could cause vomiting......its fairly normal...but if she is concerned about it she should call her doctor or the local health department and ask a nurse.

  6. yeah its not unheard of but not too common.

    she should start birth control if its that bad!

  7. it could very well be possible. her hormones are all outta wack at the moment, i sometimes feel like throwing up on mine.. thats when i just go lay down.

  8. umm if shes taking a srong medication to stop the cramping then that would cause her to vommite like it did to me and wen my tummmy hurt i would vommit im sure its normal bc some ppl even paass out with their period!♥

  9. This is a sure sign of something else that is wrong. You need to tell her to go to the doctor right away. It could be anything from hormonal to cancer. Either way you should not let her be left untreated. She needs to see a doctor... NOW! Okay? Don't worry and don't panic. But have her tell her parents and have her go to the doctor. Explain to her that it isn't normal and she needs help.  

  10. I wouldn't say it's normal, but it does happen to some people.  I used to throw up every month when I started.  I would throw up so much that I would get dehydrated and I also had diarhea.  I went to the doctor and they said my hormones were imbalanced b/c my estrogen was very low.  They put me on birth control pills and it fixed the problem completely.  I've been on them for years and have never gotten sick since then.  She better talk to her doctor, and see if pills will regulate her hormones.

  11. No, that is not normal. i read it in a magazine yesterday.

    she should go to a Doctor right away.

    Hope i helped. <3

    mine ?;...

  12. not really

  13. most likely not normal if she has been having s*x then she might be pregnant even if she is bleeding some what. might want to go to the doctors

  14. Everyone has different symptoms. I personally couldn't figure out why I was never getting pregnant. Well during my ovulation time I get severe stomach cramps & diarrhea. (See how s**y that is). But I think maybe she has a touch of the flu. Does this happen regularly?

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