
Is this normal 2 year old stuff?

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My son just turned 2 in may... Sometimes he will come up to hug me & kiss me and other times he dont want anything to do with me... If i ask him for a hug 50% of the time he'll give it to me the other 50% he'll shake his head and yell no over and over.... He wont let me Rock him.. Is it normal that my 2 year old wont let me rock him and hold him like a baby?

Also he wont speak in sentences.. He'll say stuff like bye bye dada or bye bye mama but most of the time it's just one word sentences...

Also he yells at his self.... if that normal?




  1. Yes it's normal! My eldest hated being cuddled-he would only gie a cuddle when HE wanted not when I wanted. He's the same now! He's not a baby anymore plus he's going through the terribly two's-gotta love it...

    The yelling at himself is just him using his imagination. And speaking varies from child to child.

    If youre really worried then speak to a doctor but a toddler not wanting to be cuddled is natural!

  2. Crazy two's, if i were you i'd ask a psychologist, sometimes early child hood acts reflect what they'll do as an adult. But what your son is doing seems normal to me, totally thinking independently and tantrums.

  3. yes, it is normal....he may be saying no to you hoping to turn it into a game of 'come and get me', son does that a lot! I would try to encourage him to speak a little more but its not too much of a worry right now. Simply sit with him and try to make a game of I Spy or something like that to teach and introduce new words. Also (my son was bad for this) try to help him find the words he is searching for...especially when he is demanding a snack or something to drink ...... explain in the simplest terms you can think of to descibe what he is drinking/eating doing and so on....and when he is watching you intently trying to figure out what you may be doing, try explaining to him....this will help him to learn more words and help him try to form sentences better.....and they do listen to more than what you may try to refrain from bad words or he will be likely to pick them up and start using them. What he hears the most will be what he starts formulating first.......

    My son was stubborn! I had a terrible time with him on this...I could hear him in his room 'talking' and trying to practice words and sentences but it took forever before he would practice this with me.....lots of encouragement and It got so bad with my son that I had to stop giving him a drink unless he would at least make an effort to try and verbally communicate with me what he wanted....this helped. Games and even Disney shows like Mickey's Clubhouse helped a lot (though I know some deny that television can be an educational tool for little ones)...especially since he is so independant and determined to do it on his own and in his own

    About the affection son was exactly the same mister independant....refusing to be a was when I started promoting the 'big boy' any time he got a treat or reward, he didn't get it until I got a kiss or a hug followed by a thank you. I did this as well when I had to repremand him for doing something bad....I would say no, make sure he was calm (even if he had to sit in time out until he calmed down) and explain to him what he did wrong and why it was bad/dangerous and so on...and when I was done ai make a point to hug him and let him know I love him.....

    Hoped this helped.....and also they say 2's are terrible...3's aren't much better! LOL, by this point he will have learned more words and will be able to tell you off in his own luck!

    The yelling at himself could be just play and imagination,...experimenting with sounds he can make....

    If he is doing this because he is frustrated then I would try to calm him and help him with whatever he may be frustrated about...most likely he is playing...or he may be tired and need a nap if he is getting frustrated easily....

  4. Absolutely! My  2 yr. old daughter is the same way. We nick-name it the "Terrible Two's" because one minute she'll be lovey-dovey & the next have a complete breakdown & be angry at anyone/anything in her path. Ahhh, the joys of parenthood!

  5. Anything a 2-year-old does is normal for them, abnormal for us.

    Trust me, it doesn't get better as they get into 3's and 4's. They just get smarter and more curious.

    He sounds like he's right on track socially. You've probably nurtured him quite well and know he's confident in his surroundings and he's just being independent.

    When my son was 2, he went through a phase where he refused to walk on his feet ANYWHERE. . . he somersaulted. Freaked me out, but the doctor said it will pass. And it did. Lucky he was in a home-daycare center where there weren't many other kids, and he was still little enough for me to carry everywhere or put in a stroller.

    Good luck! :)

  6. Sounds fine to me!  I have a daughter that will be 3 in October and while she is very smart, like knows numbers 1-20 and ABC's and lots of other things, she still isn't saying sentences that are always clear and understandable.  She says short choppy sentences or just the main word of what she wants.  I think kids move at their own pace and as long as they are interacting with you and toys and other kids well then that's fine.  Good luck!

  7. I used to teach 2 year olds, and care for one on a regular basis- swear i had him more than his mother. It is called the terrible twos for a reason, some times 2 year olds are the cutest thing on the earth and some times they are little hellans.

    As for how affectionate he is towards you, that could be a reflection of how often he sees you, i dont know if he lives with you or not. So he might just not be used to you.

    And NO most 2 year olds do not want to be held and rocked like babies. They are to that age where they want to explore things and do things like big kids, and they want to do it themselves. This is the age where they start to figure out independance, and they want to explore it to the fullest. (Until they are a teenager that is).

    The verbal thing, comes to each kid in different times, some pick up things faster than others. It is not recommened that you baby talk your child, and i will tell you that from a teachers perspective. There is a clear difference in the way children talk who have been talked to like an adult and ones who have been baby talked. If you want to improve it work with your kid on it, read to them and use your finger to follow the places and lines you are reading. Go over the alphabet with them more and make sure you are associating the letter not only with something that starts with it but also with other varients that the letter can sound like. For example- "C is for Cat (C-at) C is also for Circus (Cir-cus) If you want your child to speak in sentances you must speak to them in sentances as well and in return if they want something make them use the full sentance to get something or ask for it, even if this means you are telling them the sentance to say it helps.

    As for yelling at himself- some 2 year olds do talk to themselves, i wouldnt worry too much.

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