
Is this normal 31 weeks?

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i am 31 weeks and cant stop eating!!! is this normal or am i just being a pig??! im not usually a big eater but i just cant stop its only ben towards the end of the pregnancy is this why? x




  1. lol ;) it is very normal. At this point your baby is almost completely developped and only needs to gain some weight. This is why you eat so much!! :D Try to eat lots of fruits, and healthy stuff but do eat as much as needed ;) I'm right there with you :)

  2. OMG your such a kidding! I was the same way but now that I'm 39 wks my appetite hasn't been that great probably cause I ran out of room in my

  3. I'm 29 weeks I also cannot stop eating. At this rate I will be enrolling at Weight Watchers as soon as the baby has been born as I think I have put on far too much weight. I seem to be craving junk food aswell. Ummm I could just eat fish and chips now lol. x

  4. Sounds perfectly normal, just try and eat as healthy as you can!

    Congratulations on the baby, hope it all goes perfect for you. Good luck

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