
Is this normal 4 year old behavior?

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I babysit a 4 year old girl and have caught her "humping" pillows or she willl bunch up a blanket and "hump" that. I am wondering if this is normal. I don't think she is being molested at home but wondering if she is mimicking her parents because she sleeps in the same room with them. What do you think? Should I tell her mother? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.




  1. This is actually very normal.  Youngsters that age actually m********e, although they do not know what or why they are doing it.   It is possible that some of it could be mimicking behavior as well.  I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it becomes a continuous thing.

  2. I wouldnt consider that normal no, but she could of got those ideas from her parents if she sleeps in the same room maybe shes watched her mum and got the ideas,

    Yes i would tell her parents about it cause it is obviousley giving her ideas and she is a bit young and when your young you do tend to pick up on what your mum and dad do she must be copying her parents

    Hope i helped and good luck  

  3. tell her parents, she is NOT supposed to have those ideas

  4. um..i guess. like why wud i know if that is normal or not...seriously''

    ☆♥ liyaxox ♥☆

  5. Well, One thing I do know is she had to have seen it somewhere, kids that young just don't figure out s*x stuff on their own. Maybe she just watched an adult video by accident, (that's how I learned about stuff when I was so young). Or maybe it's a much bigger problem. I would absolutely tell her mother!

  6. It could be that she is discovering that special feeling we get down there all by herself,... which is a normal thing. It really doesn't take much for humans to discover that, but definitely mention this to the parents.

  7. You should have a talk with her mom, be honest and straight forward, but make it short and simple and then be quiet and let the mom do all the talking afterwards.  

  8. No, I think it's normal.

    You might associate that sort of thing as being sexual behaviour, but a four year old certainly won't. They only know it feels good, and kids at any age will learn on their own to do things that make them feel good.

    It's unlikely it's immitated behaviour-this is simply the sort of thing kids figure out by themselves.

  9. From my personal experience, this isn't "normal." I don't see other 4 year old girls humping things, so I think you should tell her mother. Don't tell her what you suspect, because that'll just be awkward. I do wonder how her mother hasn't noticed it yet, but if you bring it to her attention, she'll give it more consideration and maybe do something about the cause.

  10. wow.

    i have no answer for this question lol.

  11. It's very normal. I'm sure her mother knows, and it is not a sign of molestation. Just tell her to do that in the privacy of her room. Don't make a big deal of it.

  12. Yes you should tell her mother because it's not normal

  13. tell her mother  

  14. I wouldn't say its not normal i would just say its unacceptable, she probably doesn't know what she is doing you know like a child eating glue

    it probably tastes ( Feels ) nice but its not right, so yes tell her parents

  15. When my daughter was around that age, she came into the living room while my husband and I were watching TV and got on top of our dog and started doing the humping motion and laughed and had no shyness about it.  Basically, she saw dogs on TV or even our own dogs doing this and had NO idea what she was doing or that it was wrong. Of course we had to tell her it was not good behavior and that she should never do that again!!  But at that age..they really have no idea what this means and they are only copying something they've seen.  Maybe the girl you are babysitting noticed a dog doing this instead of her parents...hopefully!!  But I would still tell them.

  16. She is mimicking her parents, and yes, you should inform her mother of the child's behavior.

    No, it is not normal

    (in my opinion)

    inform your parents first, perhaps they have better suggestions.

  17. ha, that's hilarious because my sister always did that when she was four, if we caught her doing it she would get soooooooooooooo mad.

    I'm not sure its normal behavior, it might be because there's something wrong with there.........crotch.

  18. she could be mimicking

  19. you should really let them know

  20. tell her mum!

  21. The first thing I thought was sexual abuse. I would mention it to mom.

    The real question is...

    Is is sexual abuse if parents have intercourse in front of a child? I think that's pretty sick!

  22. ya, u should probably tell her mom..just ask a few questions about why she would do that. and no, its not normal behavior...i have 2 younger siblings and they werent like that...or shes probably just curious about a few to her first and if she says why she does it..go from there

  23. Some kids do that.  It is not acceptable, but kind of normal for that age.  You could speak with her mother if you are worried she has been molested.  Might be kind of awkward.

  24. I would absolutely bring it up to the parents, in a way that is not accusatory or judgemental. Maybe asking if she does this at home is a good way to bring it up. I don't think it is necessarily normal, I've never seen a child do this before. But the parents might also get a lot of heat for keeping the child in the room with them at 4 years old, so I would approach the situation with caution. You don't want to offend them, and it is after all their choice to keep her sleeping in their room. Good luck!

  25. Definitely tell the mother. Could be something and could be nothing but if I am a mom and I would want to know about any abnormal behavior my child had so I could address it if necessary.

    It is good that they have a caring observant sitter like you!

  26. I have no answer to this. I have the same problem. I work at a day care and there is a 4 year old who does this also. We have also caught her touching herself and she even put in object inside her. They send her in dresses ( big mistake) because she is constantly flashing her panties.  We have a few other girls who also "hump" their blankets. All are also 4 years old. I am at a stump for this as well.

    The first girl mother knows about this and she just laughs it off? I guess she sees nothing wrong in this but some how I don't because I don't see much of the other girls doing this expect for the other 2.  

  27. yes tell the mother.  do it respectfully chances are that she saw the parents going at it a few times..

  28. Mom should know, and she could be mimicking

  29. tell her parents that isnt normal

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