
Is this normal? Fast food and weight question?

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In January, I weighed 161 pounds now in March i'm 153 pounds. About a month ago I decided not to eat so much Burger King which I was eating about three of four times a week. I decided not to drink so much soda and tried to take in a little fruit. But I need to know is this normal for me to lose eight pounds in one month on my "diet". How many pounds can you gain a week eating fast foods?




  1. obviously you will lose weight if you decrease your sugar and fat intake.

    losing 2 lbs p/week is normal and healthy.

  2. Yes, that's totally normal.  Fast food is very very fatty, so cutting it out of your diet really helps you lose weight.

    Also, the average American would lose 15 pounds in a year if they cut soda out of their diets entirely.

    So getting rid of the soda helps out too.  (BTW, Diet soda isn't much better than regular soda.  There are less calories and sugar, but the chemicals in it still keep you from losing weight.)

  3. It's perfectly healthy!  I did the same thing a few years ago, and I lost 15 lbs. the first month, because I was eating fast food three times a day lol.  I went from 150 to 120 in two months.  As long as you are still getting the nutrients your body needs, embrace the lighter you!  It's amazing how much soda and fast food can add to the wasist line!

    Oh yeah, and I haven't gained it back in four years.  I've maintained a healthy weight of 123.

  4. Yes.You will loose.Fast food is probably the worst thing a person can eat.Alot of.Congrats on the decision.You probably did your body a favor.

  5. you should watch "supersize me" a guy eats only fast food for a month and he nearly dies, he comes close to risking his health, once a month or as an occasional treat is cool, but anymore and your being bad! :(

  6. a lot. it should be a treat every once in a while. same with soda it can make you gain weight like crazy

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