
Is this normal? I'm kinda scared Please help

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Well, when I'm alone (usually in my room),I always find myself conversing with someone who's not physically there with me (usually with a celebrity or with an interviewer as if I was famous). I kind of fill in their dialogue and yeah...I talk to them normally. I never speak out loud while doing this, I automatically whisper. However, when I do this, I am FULLY AWARE that the person is not really there. I think of it as daydreaming, but acting it out a little. Other than this, I function like a normal person. I don't think I'm crazy...but am I???




  1. Is this invisible person named God or Jesus?

    If so, what you are describing is called "prayer."

  2. Hi Manda,

          U are quite normal.Even i was acting liking this in my teen-age.But now i have recovered.i guess this may be due to your intuion which drives you to do so. As time flys by u will become normal.

  3. .... yes it is normal, you give way to your feeling which you are not able to express in front of the person concerned, so when alone in solitude, you talk to yourself  and release the pressure built in your body and mind.

  4. OMG!   Ur freakin Nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. It doesn't sound like it to me.  It sounds as if you are fantasizing out of boredom.  You are also aware that you are doing it.  If you did it and were not aware of it, then I'd worry.

  6. It's totally fine. As long as you are aware that it's all imaginary, there is no problem.

  7. It's just your way of expressing your own thoughts, if you're fully aware and not doing it in public you're fine.

  8. I wouldn't worry about it.  Sounds like you've already looked into this a bit, possibly scaring yourself seeing as you boldly state you are fully aware there isn't a person there and ruling out any sort of hallucinations.  People do many things to either relax or pass the time; sounds like this is something you do for the same reasons.  You are not crazy.

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