
Is this normal? It gets weirder everytime?

by  |  earlier

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Is it normal for your doctor to ask prsonal questions like .. what your going to be doing for the weekend, and call you literally an hour after your appointment, to tell you to have a great weekend?

My new dr does this, and he is about 20 yrs older than i am. These are just some of the things that he has recently said and done...for instance... he asked me if i had an extra piece of candy...(he noticed me eating candy in his office)...

Just weird small things that keep adding up... are these weird things that he is displaying? or am i being a bit paranoid?

He always complimented me by saying.."you look good"... and i personally dont want to judge him without input from an outside, what do you think?




  1. In my opinion he is way out of line. I would be looking for a new doctor if I were you. He is way stepping over the Dr./Patient boundries. I would also make a list of the things he has done or said and report him. Not cool! He is supposed to be someone you can feel comfortable with, not someone who makes you feel uncomfortable.

    Good Luck!

  2. omg that doesn't sound normal!

    i would stop going to him. honestly before anything bad happens. it might just be a little crush. but i would stop going.

  3. No... it's not normal... and it's not the first time he has done this either.  He is a predator and you are his potential victim as he quietly hints at wanting more than just a professional doctor patient relationship.  He's fishing... and he's hoping you'll bite.  It is not a coincidence that he told you about the "peak" as it applies to the age because he is wrong... males peak in their young 20's while females tend to peak in their 30's.  Thanks to viagra, men in their 50's have a second chance.  I would recommend finding another doctor, one who is female and professional and has your better health on her mind rather than trying to get you hooked up with him outside the professional bounds of medicine.  Yeah... doctors don't do that... it's breeching everything that they were taught in school... and in fact it's a mandate on their state license which means that you might consider making an annonymous report to the state licensing board so an investigation can be done... you might be saving a multitude of other potential victims.

  4. No!He likes you!!!Find a new doc...STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Obviously, he's hitting on you. (Especially the bit about "peaking".)

    If you're uncomfortable with that, your options are to either tell him to back off or to change doctors.


    Is this *your* doctor or your *kid's* doctor?

    Since this question is posted under "Toddler and Preschooler", I assumed that this was your pediatrician. If it's not, you may want to report his behavior -- it's way over the line.


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