
Is this normal? Ladies only please.?

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This is an embarrassing question to ask, but this has been bothering me for awhile and I just have to know if this is normal or not. You see, I have noticed that on my nipples there is some sort of crusty brown stuff. It is sort of scab like. I am afraid to peel it off because I keep thinking that maybe that is supposed to be there and I thought it might really hurt. Everytime I see it, it bothers me. I just can't get up the courage to pull it off. For those of you who are wondering if I have breastfed my babies, no I didn't. I had a daughter in 92 and a son in 98 and so I keep wondering if maybe this was there from when the doctor gave me something to dry up my milk?? I am one of the least observant people when it comes to my body, so that is why I am confused as to exactly when this first showed up...seems like a long time though...years. So, ladies, I'm sorry for the embarrassing question, but I need to know if this is something I can just pull off, or if I need to leave it there. I don't remember having this when I was a teen, and I think I would remember that. I am 37 now, lol...body has changed a lot since then. Thanks everyone and sorry for putting you in this spot. Please only nice answers....only ladies please.




  1. Normally the nipple usually have some little elevations called tubercle of montogomery, though it is a term we use in medicine, but what it means is that theres no trouble if it is painless and not sensible.

    But if you feel too much worried, you can request for biopsy from the pathologists to rule out the chances of cancerous cells growing therein,

    do consult a doctor and get heathy living tips from and live healthy

  2. I don't know tons about this subject, but I do know that nipples normally create a discharge, you just normally don't see it because it dries to forn a plug (usually inside the nipple in the milk ducts). Since you have had children before, I'd think this is probably nothing, as most nipple discharge (even though yours is dried) is not serious in nature, but to be perfectly sure and easy your mind, see your doctor. I'd pull the stuff off it it was me.  

  3. Hello... well if it has been there for a long time and has not increased or is oozing anything, it may just be a sensitive spot that you keep rubbing and is irretating it...  I would just have it examined by a doc....  As far as pealing it off...  you ever heard that saying, "If it aint broke, don't fix it."  Well, I'd say if you don't want to create a worse problem, just leave it there and let the doctor decide.  You also don't want to leave room for infection.......  especially not in that area.

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