
Is this normal? Ok Please Help

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Is it normal for me and im 14 to start questining about my health?

for example i thought i had Hiv but i don't and i thought i had siczphrania but i don't and then i thought i was having somatic delusion? and i no that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me but still theres questions. its all curiousty

btw wut really r somatic delusion ?




  1. maybe you're just adolescent.  it can be a difficult phase for some people and young people are highly suggestionable.  everything you read about, you think you have.  be rational and you'll get through it just fine.

  2. You're going to worry yourself into a giant zit, for one thing.  Anyway, welcome to the world of hypochondriasis.  This is where you hear about an ailment and suddenly realize that you've had these symptoms all along...except you do this all the time with a millieu of illnesses.

    Somatic delusions involve the belief that something is physically wrong with the individual. The delusion may involve a medical condition or illness or a perceived deformity. This condition differs from hypochondriasis in that the deformity is perceived as a fixed condition not a temporary illness.

  3. Lmfao, I'm 14 and I thought I had herpes and schizophrenia. I don't have herpes, and I'm not sure about schizophrenia though..

  4. During adolescence, people become increasingly aware of their own mortality. It is normal to have some thoughts/fears about illness and even death. However, if you are constantly worrying about your health, you could very well be a hypochondriac.

  5. i think that you are a bit of a hypochondriac (this is very similar to somatic delusions). this means that you excessively worry about having a serious illness, even of you have been told that you don't.

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