
Is this normal: When i'm sad i throw up??

by  |  earlier

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I was just sitting down on the couch and for some reason a painful memory just shot into my head. I dropped my apple and ran to the bathroom b/c i thought i was going to throw up.

And i did!!!

Every time i recall a painful or depressing memory i feel sick. I try not to throw up but i do it a lot and i CANT stop it!!!

The memories will come at random times and i'll just feel soooo sick and i usually throw up.

I dont want to see a doctor because i dont want to have to explain it to my mom. She doesnt know about most of the painful memories....

What can i do by MYSELF?

Is this normal?????





    not normal

    see a doctor QUICK!!!

  2. It sounds like there is unresolved trauma from your past.  This is not normal, you NEED to go to a therapist for help to talk about these problems.  This is serious.  Otherwise it is going to continue to haunt you for the rest of your life.  You won't be able to take care of this yourself.  Counseling is not a dirty word- lots of people go, even other therapists!  I really hope you consider it.  If you are school age you can go to the counselor on staff at school (colleges have them too) or if you have your own medical insurance look up a therapist through their website.  It sounds like you already knew the answer to your questions.  I just hope you will do what it takes to get help because I don't want this to continue to happen.

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