
Is this normal after a c section?

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I had an emergency c section 3 weeks ago tomorrow and ive been fine nothing hurts anymore im just sore. Well today it started when i get up and down or move around on the couch on my left side like my side to front of my belly hurts in this spot. It feels like i really over done it by like working out but i hvnt worked out lately well in the last 3 months. And its not even on my incision, its in the same area but to the left alot. Is this norma???




  1. I had a c-section with my son 16mths. ago I didn't experience anything like that. I was up and grocery shopping the day after we got home from the hospital. But everybody heals and recovers differently. If it contintues you may want to contact your doctor or if you think it can wait then ask about it at your 6wk. apt. But I imagine your just fine just still a little sore. Take care and congrats on the little one!

  2. I had the same pain. I cried for about 4 hours streight because i couldnt do anything because the pain was so bad. I never found out what it was but it went away after a few weeks and a lot of rest. Even walking or anything can take its toll after a c-section. Good Luck and let others help out for the next few weeks, you wont realize it but your body needs the rest.

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